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 Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger is born

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2 posters
Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 114
Localisation : Spain
Registration date : 2007-01-07

Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger is born Empty
PostSubject: Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger is born   Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger is born EmptyTue 25 Mar - 0:53

In the spanish magazine Hello, december 1989. The picture above was taken in France, in the 1982 promotion of Conan the barbarian.

Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger is born Hola1989kt1
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger is born Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger is born   Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger is born EmptyTue 25 Mar - 3:02

Yes, he was dating Maria during the filming of CONAN.
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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 114
Localisation : Spain
Registration date : 2007-01-07

Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger is born Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger is born   Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger is born EmptyTue 25 Mar - 20:49

Far before! Arnold meets Maria in 1977.
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PostSubject: Re: Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger is born   Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger is born Empty

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Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger is born
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