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 Sam Jackson kicks Thulsa "Harry" Doom's ass!

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2 posters
Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2008-03-14

Sam Jackson kicks Thulsa "Harry" Doom's ass! Empty
PostSubject: Sam Jackson kicks Thulsa "Harry" Doom's ass!   Sam Jackson kicks Thulsa "Harry" Doom's ass! EmptyTue 13 May - 14:52

Funny animated gif that comes from Harry Knowles' Ain't-It-Cool-News website...

Sam Jackson kicks Thulsa "Harry" Doom's ass! Konghorn

Mr. Green

- WBMS! -
Sam Jackson kicks Thulsa "Harry" Doom's ass! Fouet
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Sam Jackson kicks Thulsa "Harry" Doom's ass! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sam Jackson kicks Thulsa "Harry" Doom's ass!   Sam Jackson kicks Thulsa "Harry" Doom's ass! EmptyTue 13 May - 15:08

HAHA, yeah thats OK, I don't care for Jackson, somehow he's become this "badass" in every movie.. I only associate him to that crackhead low-level criminal he played in "Goodfellas" who got whacked. Mr. Green


Knowles should give this site the KING CONAN script. Conan
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Sam Jackson kicks Thulsa "Harry" Doom's ass!
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