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 The species of SNAKES in the movie

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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

The species of SNAKES in the movie Empty
PostSubject: The species of SNAKES in the movie   The species of SNAKES in the movie EmptyThu 12 Jun - 6:24

Quote :
Conan takes time out from the thieving and the plo chops to take on Sith Lord Thulsa Doom, leader of a snake cult, who himself can change into a snake.

So of course our man Thulsa has a few snakes around the premises, including a big fake python with improbable fangs.

Real snakes used in the movie were almost all Boa Constrictors (Boa constrictor), though I spotted at least one Yellow Anaconda (Eunectes notaeus).

I couldn’t get a good look at the snake used as an arrow; my best guess is that it was a Gray Rat Snake (Elaphe obsoleta spiloides).

That gives Robert E. Howard’s Hyborian Age a decidedly New World bent.

Where are the Toltecs? I bet Conan would have some fun with Toltecs. Being crucified on the Tree of Woe has nothing on having your beating heart cut out.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

The species of SNAKES in the movie Empty
PostSubject: Re: The species of SNAKES in the movie   The species of SNAKES in the movie EmptyThu 12 Jun - 6:47

Boa constrictor -

The species of SNAKES in the movie Boa20constrictor20in20tbs0

The species of SNAKES in the movie Longtaillogo2ja0

The species of SNAKES in the movie Monty5av8

The species of SNAKES in the movie Redtailed20boa20constrihl1

The species of SNAKES in the movie Boaconstrictorep7

The species of SNAKES in the movie 50492664vm8ag4

The species of SNAKES in the movie Boacp3dy9

This is the species of snakes that the Princess and Rexor holds in ritual gestures.

The species of SNAKES in the movie Conanb0129yd2 The species of SNAKES in the movie Valerie02ni5

The species of SNAKES in the movie Princa201yq3

And is also the species Thulsa Doom transforms into.

The species of SNAKES in the movie Doomserpiente7asr3my9The species of SNAKES in the movie Doomminiserpi1rh6no2

Last edited by Flaming Turd on Thu 12 Jun - 7:31; edited 6 times in total
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

The species of SNAKES in the movie Empty
PostSubject: Re: The species of SNAKES in the movie   The species of SNAKES in the movie EmptyThu 12 Jun - 6:48

Eunectes notaeus -

The species of SNAKES in the movie 50336937wo4uq1

The species of SNAKES in the movie Eunectes20notaeus107ma3

The species of SNAKES in the movie Cr15165020vp5

It's the snake that is in the fountain of the Mountain of power, where Conan is tortured.

The species of SNAKES in the movie Torture04mz5

Look at up, left.

The species of SNAKES in the movie 34ua4 The species of SNAKES in the movie Conand07106ud5

Last edited by Flaming Turd on Thu 12 Jun - 7:32; edited 4 times in total
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

The species of SNAKES in the movie Empty
PostSubject: Re: The species of SNAKES in the movie   The species of SNAKES in the movie EmptyThu 12 Jun - 6:49

Elaphe obsoleta spiloides -

The species of SNAKES in the movie Elaobsspi1pc5

The species of SNAKES in the movie Elaobsspi3vp9

The species of SNAKES in the movie Elaobsspi8vk6

The species of SNAKES in the movie Elaobsspi9yh0

The species of SNAKES in the movie Eospil01ls3

The arrow-snake.

The species of SNAKES in the movie Conand07002qv8
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The species of SNAKES in the movie Empty
PostSubject: Re: The species of SNAKES in the movie   The species of SNAKES in the movie EmptyThu 28 Jul - 1:02

Actually, a true arrow snake would be scientifically named "Psammophis lineolatus." ;-)
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The species of SNAKES in the movie Empty
PostSubject: Postscript   The species of SNAKES in the movie EmptyThu 28 Jul - 22:02

The snake that James Earl Jones (Thulsa Doom) changed into looked more like an animatronic version of a half-grown reticulated python.
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The species of SNAKES in the movie Empty
PostSubject: Re: The species of SNAKES in the movie   The species of SNAKES in the movie Empty

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The species of SNAKES in the movie
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