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 Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971

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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971 Empty
PostSubject: Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971   Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971 EmptySat 13 Sep - 8:08

Mr. Green A bizarre film, some kind of Turkish CONAN years before Milius.

Tarkan viking kani - Tarkan vs the Vikings - 1971

Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971 TARKAN_Viking_Kani_filmafis

Director: Mehmet Aslan
Color 86 minutes.
Cast: Kartal Tibet, Eva Bender, Seher Seniz, Fatma Belgen, Bilal Inci, Tarik Sebnem.

Arkan is a turkish warrior, or hunnic, or whatever. He has two wolves as pets, Kurt and Kurt junior. He is the bodyguard of Yonca, daughter of Atila.

One day Toro the viking attacks and kidnaps Yonca. Also they kill one of the Kurt wolves. (Yes, that is the viking, though he looks like Asterix lol)

Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971 Snapshot20071210130455

Poor Arkan cries and then swears revenge and youknow.

Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971 Snapshot20071210124922

The soundtrack is Richard Strauss (So speak Zaratustra) and Spaguetti Western stolen score.

Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971 Snapshot20071210125820

Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971 Snapshot20071210125424

Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971 Snapshot20071210130402

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971   Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971 EmptySat 13 Sep - 8:26

That brunette has some ass, and looks to be the most redeeming quality of the flick. Laughing

Hey, here are some more pics,

and who knows, its possible Milius watched this as he loved Turkomans and Vikings.

What a wig right? Shocked
Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971 Tarkan
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971   Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971 EmptySat 13 Sep - 9:08

Cromulus The Destroyer wrote:

What a wig right? Shocked

Lol, even the moustache and also probably eyebrowns are fake and painted lmao
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Pictish Scout

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Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971   Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971 EmptySun 14 Sep - 0:09

The guy is a joke... the first photo of your link is hilarious...
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Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971   Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971 Empty

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Turkish "Conan" movie, from 1971
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