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 Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not

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Cromulus The Destroyer
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyMon 22 Sep - 10:43

What the hell happened to this thread?
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Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyMon 22 Sep - 11:26

Apparently, there was some kind of technical problems with our forum host, and all messages posted yesterday were (are?) lost. We're investigating to learn more and will let you know when we find anything new about that. study
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Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyMon 22 Sep - 11:47

Here is an official message from our host, roughly translated from French:

Quote :

You have probably noticed the breakdown of our servers, which caused the unavailability of your forums during all the morning! Our technicians managed to solve the problem but there remains side effects like messages posted this week-end which disappeared. We, of course, are currently working on recovering all of them. We ask you to be patient and not to try anything for the moment, except advising your members.

We do apologize for the inconvenience,

Thanks to all,

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyMon 22 Sep - 12:03

Ok thanks for the update on it. It's fucked up though, but thankfully it wasnt much worse.

Aoster, if you can repeat your last reply, the others I pretty much remember.
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Turanian War Officer

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Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyMon 22 Sep - 14:19


Well, I just quoted the script and said I thought that maybe Millius just decided at the moment of filming that it didn't really fit and cut it. You guys really hit it when someone stated that nobody should have realized who Conan was. (Even though Cimmerians do stand out pretty easy.)
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyMon 22 Sep - 23:48

Doom doesn't give any importance to the father's sword not even to steel at all, in the torture scene. So the sword was probably kept by Rexor as a souvenir of the old times -just a high quality weapon but that's all-. Maybe it's the best sword Rexor has in his collection -and probably the reason why he allways chooses it when going to battle-. Most probably the whole Doom bunch ignore the symbolism of the sword for the Cimmerians, most probably is just a piece of good metal for them, and that's all.

I still think the Conan's search for the sword has no real sense. It's not Raiders of the Lost Sword, Conan is not searching a stolen sword, he is searching for revenge. Why would he want to recover the sword in any case? That would be like trying to recover his dead past and the character is not into that, in fact he breaks it, so his true move is to evolve and break the chains of his past through revenge, not trying to re-built it... See if he had some sentimental reasons or whatever to recover the sword he wouldn't throw it away after killing Doom. I don't think Conan would want to recover the sword for sentimental reasons Mr. Green so that in the script sounds more like some kind of pointless obssession. It distracts the focus of the real objective of Conan which is cut "Doom Bunch" balls and make'em eat them. He wants to find them and kill them, the sword search is simply out of place.
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
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Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyTue 23 Sep - 0:05

I sort of agree. The movie is about vengeance, and not about the sword so much. i think there is sentimentality going on with it though. He definately recognized and remembered it when he saw it next, and the dropping of it was done rather melodramatically as if stating the end of something. I don't feel it meant nothing, but maybe it didn't mean as much as it did in the original script.

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
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Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyTue 23 Sep - 1:08

Rexor and Doom already have weapons of steel by the time they invade Cimmeria, infact Thorgrim uses a sword during the raid..and why Cimmerians in particular? They had their asses handed to them by the Vanir and certainly not the only ones capable of making steel or just wrought iron weapons.

Supposedly Doom searched for steel and wanted it more than gold or jewels, but never any in movie logic other than either he wanted the know how, which brings up the point why kill the father, certainly this man is worth more alive than dead? Or he was some big game hunter and deranged collector of rare weapons, to make his own or simply collect every Steel sword,lol.

Conan distinctively remembers the sword when he's reaching out for it near the fountain and then specifically mentions the taking of his fathers sword...before that all, he's got flashbacks from the raid and of the sword ect. .

Even if Doom was some herald of the gods to stop the spread of steel, it doesnt pan out in the movie...even if it somehow does, was Doom's death by the hands of a steel weapons only because he became wayward of his mission and rested on his luarels and grew fat and decadent and so must die? I think Milius alluded to this sorta thing on the DVD or something.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyTue 23 Sep - 10:03

Wwwweeell, the fact is it's unknown what the true plan of Doom was... He says he was looking for POWER and he, younger, thougt it was in steel. It was probably a mystic search for the very same symbolism of the aleation so he went to Cimmeria probably because he knew there the steel was specially well done and cared. Why killing the blacksmith? scratch Very good question. I guess Domm was not really looking for swords itselves, he was not interested in the weapon but more in the secret of it. When he learned the secret, he forgot about swords and started to manipulate other people creating the cult.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyTue 23 Sep - 10:10

Btw, I don't know if it still has a point but I wrotte about Conan's father being (probably but not really sure) the leader of the village.

First, in prehistory, the blacksmith was no doubt a highly important man in the tribe. He surely was given mystical and shamanic-druidic powers and so. No doubt he would have a high range.

Second, the hut of the "Conans" Mr. Green is in the center of the village, and the hut is different from the others. (It's bigger).

Also, there is an Elk skull standart in front of it -seeing in Stout's artwork-.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyTue 23 Sep - 11:55

In the script he's referred to as "The Master". The father mentions "your sword" when handing it to Conan in the mountains/primarily cut scenes here.

He's just a sword master aka blacksmith, the cimmerians dont seem to have a chieftain, when they fight, its probably for personal glory I assume. In the movie nobody cares about his family, theres no protect the blacksmith or anything, so theres no real importance attached to him. Rexor just singles him out because he's the only Cimmerian doing a lotve kills on the raiders but theres no stopping the onslaught.

*In the script, "kill their horses" was a line given to "The Master/Father", in the film its given to Rexor. But the Cimmerians have no horses,lol.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyTue 23 Sep - 14:20

They had horses in the Stout artwork.

Also in the movie a chariot can be seen, though it could also been driven by a cow or bull.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyTue 23 Sep - 16:16

Turd, his hut may be bigger because it doubles as his workshop, well thats my guess. We must assume he forges all warriors weapons. In the novel or maybe one of the Howard-DeCamp stories, wasn't Conan's father from some other village and outcast?

*BTW, what the hell happened to imageshack? All my image arent working the website isnt working..seems imageshack always has the bad habit of acting up.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyTue 23 Sep - 17:48

imageshack is crap, i started to use photobucket and it's way better. You can upload like 20 pics at once.

I don't know about the original literary tales, not sure if the parents were really mentioned or what. Roy Thomas told the father was actually a Cimmerian but the mother was a Vanir from a distant tribe. That fits with the blonde Nadiuska. In other marvel comics there were a lot of different versions about the parents, some of them really embarrasing. But all they agreed in both being murdered or something ala Milius' movie.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyTue 23 Sep - 17:51

I liked the Dark Horse revision of Cimmeria, very celtic and realistic art. The Cimmerians look like highlanders though, and some scenes kinda remembered Braveheart too much... Though the kid Conan was nice portrayed. Both parents were Cimmerians, there.
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Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyWed 24 Sep - 11:16

According to a letter from REH ( ), Conan's Grandfather came from a southern tribe. And it is him who told young Conan about Hyborian Kingdoms. In Hour Of The Dragon, Conan mentions, just after his "nightmare"in the tent, that his father was a Blacksmith.
That's all folks !
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyWed 24 Sep - 14:49

The actual "Conan the cimmerian" comic series of Dark Horse is focused on Conan's grandpa. Excellent art by Corben btw
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyWed 24 Sep - 15:05

What name was used in the DeCamp movie novel, Niall or something right?

Turd, I actually disliked the Darkhorse series. The artwork was a major turn off. Infact I dislike most comic art since 1996, it got progressively worse. Either to anime or too fanatically muscular or some odd mix of both.

Also, is it me or does Conan look like a Lucy Lawless:

Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not CONANTC-2-FC-FNL
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyWed 24 Sep - 19:08

hah, same neck as Lucy I guess.

Well Conan took the name of Nial and became a blacksmith in the "Conan vs the Spider God" (Sprague De Camp) marvel adaptation. I think he got the name and job inspired by his father and used it as a secret identity or shit so. I don't know if in the actual De Camp literary novel it was the same but most probably it was.

About the DarkHorse, I think the Greg Ruth art was highly interesting -(very realistic and far away from marvel) and the truth is I found Cart Nord art very good. I even liked it's sketchy style. It didn't make me crazy but I thought he was a good one in anatomy and so. Beyond these both I don't like the others. And I also dislike the anime style or hypermuscled ala Jim Lee, simply can't swallow that.

One of the best ones ever was Michael Bolton, who did some Kull ones. Better than anyone imo.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyWed 24 Sep - 19:10

I don't have the movie adapatation novel, does it exist online??
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Turanian War Officer

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Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyThu 25 Sep - 15:14

Flaming Turd wrote:
Btw, I don't know if it still has a point but I wrotte about Conan's father being (probably but not really sure) the leader of the village.

Wasn't there some actor credited for the Cimmerian village chieftain part in some early cast listing ? I think I read something about that somewhere... scratch
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyThu 25 Sep - 16:06

Can`t you remember the source?
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Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyThu 25 Sep - 16:36

Yep, Einar is right.

It's in the Cinefantastique Double Issue Vol. 12 n° 2/3, p. 31:

Quote :
"Cimmerian Village Chief ... Frank Brana"

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
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Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not EmptyThu 25 Sep - 17:20

Probably the man with the cheap looking horned hat seen in one of the shots before the raid?
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Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not   Father's Sword in the Orgy Chamber or not Empty

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