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 First edition script update

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3 posters
Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 47
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

First edition script update Empty
PostSubject: First edition script update   First edition script update EmptySat 27 Sep - 21:59

Wow... just wow.

I only skimmed it some, but it absolutely has some eye catchers! I noticed a definite pedophilia in the "..but your so big and so well grown..." scene (naked boys, ect...), and I am excited to read the ending that has Conan and Subotai chatting. But with mutant armies and sacked cities... I think its a different movie entirely. though it still has Millius's name on it.

I wish there was a way to just share with everyone, but I think I will be hard pressed to let it out of my sight for the next few weeks.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

First edition script update Empty
PostSubject: Re: First edition script update   First edition script update EmptySun 28 Sep - 1:27

AOster wrote:
I noticed a definite pedophilia in the "..but your so big and so well grown..." scene (naked boys, ect...).

You mean the gay priest scene? Cona is not a kid now, are there some children there? Shocked

AOster wrote:
and I am excited to read the ending that has Conan and Subotai chatting. But with mutant armies and sacked cities... I think its a different movie entirely. though it still has Millius's name on it.

I wish there was a way to just share with everyone, but I think I will be hard pressed to let it out of my sight for the next few weeks.

Wow, rabbit I hope you can make a review Wink and tell us what's there, really. A different ending, you say, with Conan and Subotai extra dialogue? rabbit rabbit

By the way, man, which date did you say this first draft is?
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

First edition script update Empty
PostSubject: Re: First edition script update   First edition script update EmptySun 28 Sep - 2:41

Aoster, the mutant armies meaning the neanderthals?

They were called mutants still in some passages, as most were half-breeds as Doom was breeding them with human females( Orgy purpose, whores on drugs so they wouldnt know the difference,lol). The end chatting with Subotai was still retained in the 2nd and 3rd Drafts and was supposed to be filmed in California during post production as a "pick-up shoot" or something.
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 47
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

First edition script update Empty
PostSubject: Re: First edition script update   First edition script update EmptySun 28 Sep - 4:40

Quote :
scene 248 different angle;
The boys are herded into a long hall, where priests at the far end speak to them. conan can't hear what they say -- but he sees them take of their rotted clothing and stand naked before the priests, who move up the line.......

Thats about all I want to type. its more of a weird naked men and priests thing. As I read more i guess it was some kind of "health check" routine.

Quote :
Scene 327 The Darker Recesses:

A grappling hook slams into place. A rope goes taught, and soon Conan pulls himself into frame. Valeria follows, then Subotai. Conan looks down a long, sloping series of caves to the light of the fires in the distance. To his right is a deep cavern with a wood-and-leather bridge over it. In the distance are the sounds of grief and crying. Over the bridge, a strange colored light emanates. Conan must scrabble down with the others; there is no choice: they must cross the bridge. The chasm is too wide. They leap down and make for the crossing, when, suddenly, a burly little creature steps out from the bridge. It looks like a troll -- but in the light of the torches of the bridge, it can be seen: it's a little Neanderthal mutant. The boy is about four feet tall, and already powerful and apelike. He looks at them, they look at him. He snarls and makes a sign with his hands.

they don't speak.

Suddenly, the boy pulls out a hatchet, and, snarling, he charges headlong at them, flailing wildly. Conan and the others dodges the creature shrieks, and, slavering from his mouth, comes back at them again.

Quite a few references to mutants and other such short scenes like this not included.

Quote :
scene 356 Different angle:

Conan backs away. rocks hit him as the column shatters and falls on Brak.

Yes, "Brak". Rexor has yet to be renamed I guess at this point. Though in my forth draft I think he's still "Yaro". Yet I also thought I saw that name in this first draft....

Quote :
scene 396 the mutant army:
thundering along, raising huge clouds of dust. Shields and standards bear the sign of Doom. in the foreground, suddenly, pops the face of the wizard. He is smiling hideously, bobbing up and down to the cadence of the war drums.
PULL DOWN to reveal that it is only the wizards head, savagely ripped from the body, mounted on a pole like so many others. A neanderthal holds the grizzly standard, grinning like the wizard.

There is a huge section here about shadizar being attacked and conan at the head of a Zamoran army. It goes on to include some one on one time between conan and doom. doom has the Conan's fathers sword and they go at each other. Blood flies and conan pulls a "I HAVE THE POWER!" scene complete with lightning. It looks like a hugely different movie, and I can see why a lot was cut. though, I think it was for the better given budget and time constraints. Also, the end result was a better theme.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

First edition script update Empty
PostSubject: Re: First edition script update   First edition script update EmptySun 28 Sep - 18:51

Not bad, thanks. But keep it coming as it'll be interesting to compare to the other script versions. Rexor
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

First edition script update Empty
PostSubject: Re: First edition script update   First edition script update EmptyTue 30 Sep - 4:11

Very interesting, thanks!

What exactly happens in that "I HAVE THE POWER" scene?? Is he raising up the father's sword in victory, or calling Crom or what? rabbit Does he really receive lightings?
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 47
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

First edition script update Empty
PostSubject: Re: First edition script update   First edition script update EmptyTue 30 Sep - 4:45

Guys, I'd love to type it all up, but I'm a terrible typist. The scene was very weird, but maybe I'll try to type it when I havent has three doses of absinthe. I'm also thinking of trying to get the whole thing scanned at my university.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

First edition script update Empty
PostSubject: Re: First edition script update   First edition script update EmptyTue 30 Sep - 11:21

Flaming Turd wrote:
Very interesting, thanks!

What exactly happens in that "I HAVE THE POWER" scene?? Is he raising up the father's sword in victory, or calling Crom or what? rabbit Does he really receive lightings?

I know in the 2nd Draft, when the Father takes young Conan to the top of the mountains during a mysterious storm, there is lots of heavy wind and lightning, his beard blowing in the wind. The Father thrusts the sword up and the winds roar and lightning strikes all around him(surely a Moses-like scene lol) as if he wounded the heavens. Its retained in some of the art ect, when The Father holds up the sword in the mountains of Cimmeria, there is Lightning. Both in the script and the art, the scene is to show the sword was seemingly blessed by Crom or something as partve the final "making of.." process-- plus inspired from a Frazetta piece.. Wink

Aoster's CONAN vs DOOM seems very intriguing though. Was Doom more a warrior/Skeletor in this version? Also the swords are more Excaliburish in the scripts, thats for sure.

*Conan battles Doom sword to sword in the Stone version as well.
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