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 CTB reference in cyberpunk cartoon

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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

CTB reference in cyberpunk cartoon Empty
PostSubject: CTB reference in cyberpunk cartoon   CTB reference in cyberpunk cartoon EmptySun 28 Sep - 2:58

Third Season of the cartoon REBOOT:

Quote :
The first episode, ICONS:

In a plot inspired by the Seven Samurai and The Magnificent Seven, a now grown-up Andraia and Enzo Matrix must help some unlikely heros save a system which is in such bad condition that another lost game will undoubtedly cause it to crash. This epsisode features a cool atmosphere, great dialog, and a game inspired by Conan the Barbarian (but with the heroes of the system rebooting as scotish warriors, including Matrix rebooting as William Wallace).

Never ever watched this so I don't know what is it about.
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CTB reference in cyberpunk cartoon
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