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 Stallone as Conan

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4 posters
Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Stallone as Conan Empty
PostSubject: Stallone as Conan   Stallone as Conan EmptyTue 30 Sep - 4:14

Guys, do you have any info about Stallone being a possible choice for Conan in the 70's?

In the William Stout interview he said he never heard about that.

But I think Cromulus you said Stallone was a possible choice, or at least was interested? Did he really made a casting or something?
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 47
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

Stallone as Conan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stallone as Conan   Stallone as Conan EmptyTue 30 Sep - 4:42

I thought I heard the same. Though I am sooooooo glad he didn't get it. I really don't like him for some reason.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Stallone as Conan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stallone as Conan   Stallone as Conan EmptyTue 30 Sep - 11:01

Its from the CINEFANTASIQUE magazine #12. I think he couldve pulled the role off nicely, if FIRST BLOOD is any indication.
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Number of posts : 16130
Registration date : 2004-12-15

Stallone as Conan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stallone as Conan   Stallone as Conan EmptyTue 30 Sep - 11:43

Here is the exact quote from the mag: (pp. 36-37)

Quote :
While the swords of CONAN were under preparation in the United States, simultaneously a search for the film's key roles was also underway. While Arnold Schwarzenegger was cast from the beginning, various other names and stars were considered and, for various reasons, discarded; Raquel Welch as Valeria, Persis Khambatta as the Princess, Sean Connery as Thulsa Doom, John Huston as the wizard of the mounds; even Sylvester Stallone, who was reportedly under consideration for a stand-by Conan. Milius finally settled on a cast of relative unknowns.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Stallone as Conan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stallone as Conan   Stallone as Conan EmptyTue 30 Sep - 12:28

Thank you, men. Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Stallone as Conan   Stallone as Conan Empty

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