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 CONAN/Good the Bad and the Ugly music

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3 posters
Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

CONAN/Good the Bad and the Ugly music Empty
PostSubject: CONAN/Good the Bad and the Ugly music   CONAN/Good the Bad and the Ugly music EmptyWed 15 Oct - 5:01

Did anybody ever notice that both these songs open nearly the same way?

The Ecstasy of Gold- by Ennio Morricone

Death of Rexor- by Basil Poledouris
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Turanian War Officer

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CONAN/Good the Bad and the Ugly music Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN/Good the Bad and the Ugly music   CONAN/Good the Bad and the Ugly music EmptyWed 15 Oct - 5:42

Just a tad maybe... but I'm not a music major, so its pure guesses for me.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

CONAN/Good the Bad and the Ugly music Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN/Good the Bad and the Ugly music   CONAN/Good the Bad and the Ugly music EmptyMon 20 Oct - 17:56

Plus, both movies were filmed in almost the same place lol. The Mounds must be like 15 or 20 minutes by car to the Spahetti Westerns city in Almeria.
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CONAN/Good the Bad and the Ugly music
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