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 CTB if you were in the editors chair....

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Turanian War Officer

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CTB if you were in the editors chair.... Empty
PostSubject: CTB if you were in the editors chair....   CTB if you were in the editors chair.... EmptyWed 15 Oct - 5:51

I'm sitting here with CTB on my monitor to my right while i type this on my laptops main screen (multi tasker FTW via GOMplayer). I'm working my way through all the 36 files for the CTD fan edit. (one about every 20 minutes or so)

And the thought came to me when i heard the notorious clank of chains during the orgy chamber prelude. You know the one... when Valeria swings her feet over the ledge she catches the chains behind her. So I'm thinking to myself, "Man why couldn't they have caught that and edited it out?". Maybe it was added later or enhanced, but i would have just clipped the sound out al together. which make me think of other things I would have edited.

The, "OH! I get to pull my blood pack!!! WEEE!!!!" Neanderthal scene. maybe fine from another angle, but it really detracts from such an awesome battle scene.

The squeak of the ropes as they descend into the tower of the serpent. I think they should have emphasized the stealth a little more here.

The seemingly out of sync hand on/hand off sword before the witch's hut. A very simple edit could fix that.

Valeria re sheathing her sword on the top of the tower. I understand the cut scene, but they could have added a guard that was silently taken out by her IMHO.

anyways, what all would you tweek if you had the chance and the equipment? Just wondering.... (an I do mean small small things. mostly post production)
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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CTB if you were in the editors chair.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTB if you were in the editors chair....   CTB if you were in the editors chair.... EmptyWed 15 Oct - 14:25

Yeah, the chain was sloppy, couldve used a re-shoot there-- although in the follow up next scene the chains are miraculously still like they werent touched.

*Have you ever watched for the mysterious hand that comes outve the crypt to aid in Arnold's, I mean Conan's, exit? Wink

Sadly the editing in CTB I think is one the weak parts of the movie, sometimes you see the same scene happening twice( with different camera units) and pieced together like a different scene . In battle scenes, this type of thing is a bit annoying.

All in my biggest non-movie Goof or mistake gripe in CTB editing(since I first seen the movie), had to do with them trying to make it like it was only Arnold lifting the boiling pot, they tried to hide Subotai off camera with the take they used..its made to look like only Arnold was lifting it all by myself without aid.. i suppose they didnt have digital tech back then to delete Subotai so he can still be seen bobbling his head there and getting a footing. This is more apparent in other camera unit shots.

The Conan always needing help or being saved became to redundant and I think weakened the character some. Thats why I think the saving grace edit, was when they deleted Subotai yelling out "Kill" and alerting Conan(and probably the entire Tower guard for that matter) to the giant snake. In the finished movie, Conan senses it right before it strikes.

Conan was also to have been stuck inbetween one of the crevice in the kitchen scene, where Subotai had to help him out because Conan was "too big to be a theif". So this being deleted I think was a smart move as well.


Somehow edit in an explanation as to how the fuck did Subotai scale the Tower of the Serpent so fast and ahead of Conan and Valeria? We only see Subotai struggling up there, but yet he's way ahead of them mysteriously. One has to surmise that Milius had wire-fu filmed in there, but later took it out,lol.

The movie couldve used a lotve if its deleted material restored and probably a good half hour worth of time. Valeria's name shouldve been mentioned in the garden of the tower. Her backstory being deleted was a crucial mistake and blunder on Milius' part.
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Pictish Scout

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Registration date : 2008-10-24

CTB if you were in the editors chair.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTB if you were in the editors chair....   CTB if you were in the editors chair.... EmptyFri 24 Oct - 16:09

Quote :
The Conan always needing help or being saved became to redundant and I think weakened the character some. Thats why I think the saving grace edit, was when they deleted Subotai yelling out "Kill" and alerting Conan(and probably the entire Tower guard for that matter) to the giant snake. In the finished movie, Conan senses it right before it strikes.

Conan was also to have been stuck inbetween one of the crevice in the kitchen scene, where Subotai had to help him out because Conan was "too big to be a theif". So this being deleted I think was a smart move as well.

Wow, that would have made Conan seriously lame. I thought the way they shot his first pit fight could have been better, too. He acted too goofy for a fierce barbarian, too confused about what was going on. He should have exploded into action as soon as the other guy grabbed him and bit his neck. An instinctive response. When Redhair kicked him into the ring he should have turned and glared at him, too, instead of looking puzzled
Twisted Evil
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CTB if you were in the editors chair.... Empty
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