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 New Conan Trilogy

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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 12
Age : 49
Localisation : Johns Creek Georgia
Registration date : 2008-10-24

New Conan Trilogy Empty
PostSubject: New Conan Trilogy   New Conan Trilogy EmptySat 25 Oct - 13:50

I read recently that New Line Cinema is now preparing to make their own Conan trilogy with an all new cast. Supposedly this trilogy would be faithful to REH material. I believe they are also making the new Thulsa Doom movie,so I dont know if they would cross over at some point. I'm sure that this is old news to this crew, but since I'm new here I wanted to see what everyone thought or knew about this.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

New Conan Trilogy Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Trilogy   New Conan Trilogy EmptySun 26 Oct - 4:55

The Thulsa Doom movie is based on the CTB movie and the RED SONJA Dynamite Comic incarnation(which is a spin off of the CTB movie).. very little to do with RE HOWARD which just shows Paradox is milking whatever they can.
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 12
Age : 49
Localisation : Johns Creek Georgia
Registration date : 2008-10-24

New Conan Trilogy Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Trilogy   New Conan Trilogy EmptySun 26 Oct - 19:23

Cromulus, I appreciate the reply. I just noticed that this had already been addressed here. This forum is killer. Just for the record I'd like to add that from the time I first saw CTB as a child, I was fascinated by the discipline of steel,especially the craftsmanship of the Atlantean and Father swords. Conans ultimate quest for revenge. The soundtrack that help define the movie. The enigma that is Thulsa Doom. A sorcerer that is really of no particular race that has power that is greater than steel(although it didn’t turn out that way in the end). The Jim Jones of the primordial era. Holding followers in the palm of his hand and ruling the world like a precursor to Caesar, only to be toppled by a man destined to a be a ruler himself. The cult of Set has always intrigued me and that ultimately is what led me here. This Historical Art and Symbolism thread makes me think of what it would have been like if Joseph Campbell would have moved on from the mythology of Star Wars to CTB. Hero with a thousand faces indeed. Thanks for being patient with an excited new member.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

New Conan Trilogy Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Trilogy   New Conan Trilogy EmptyMon 27 Oct - 1:42

Thulsa Doom should also technically be a King Kull villain and with a hooded and skull face(rather a proto-Skeletor). Kull was was also to have been set 100,000 years before the age of Conan( Hyborian age 12,000 BC). Thats a whacked timeframe, but thats how it was. Red Sonja is Marvel's version and not the late Renaissance version which was Howard's. If using Howard's version of Thoth-Amon he would only be a shadowy rare character maybe popping up twice in unconnected storylines and not a main or major threat. Him becoming Conan's main enemy was thanks mainly to DeCamp and Marvel Comics. Although Conan always seemed to have been battling some rogue Stygian sorcerer and at odds with the god Set every so often(no doubt a holdover from Howard's KULL stories and traits).

Howard was a Thomas Bulfinch fan. No matter how inspirational both his CONAN pulps were and even more so, Frazetta and the movie was..CONAN I dont think ever escaped B status, while things like Star Wars and Terminator( which are more or less truly successful pastiches than anything else) are highly acclaimed and considered Sci-Fi masterpieces.

If the new series is a success, sure they'll be crossovers. There was a CONAN/Sonja crossover in that piece of shit CONAN TV series from the late 90's with Ralph Moeller as CONAN.
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 12
Age : 49
Localisation : Johns Creek Georgia
Registration date : 2008-10-24

New Conan Trilogy Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Trilogy   New Conan Trilogy EmptyMon 27 Oct - 10:07

I hated that TV show. They had the potential to do something great with it and failed. I wonder if Albion Armorers will craft the swords for this film? Curiosity is definetely killing the cat now. Just the same, I will always be partial to CTB. It IS a classic in my book and sets the standard by which all others are measured
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

New Conan Trilogy Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Trilogy   New Conan Trilogy EmptyMon 27 Oct - 18:09

The fur speedo was one of the worst concepts envisioned, whoever dreamt that up should be shot. I hated that as much as Malak in CTD. Rolling Eyes Laughing

The CONAN THE ADVENTURER cartoon I enjoyed though from the mid 90's, when I woke up in the morning before I went to school. It was compatible to the two movies and the comics, although it was of course made for children and to much on the lighthearted side .
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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New Conan Trilogy Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Trilogy   New Conan Trilogy EmptyTue 28 Oct - 12:29

Welcome, friend.

Vanir1975 wrote:
Supposedly this trilogy would be faithful to REH material.

Don't believe that. It's essentially impossible. Though, It's the best (and only) actual publicity call they can use.

Vanir1975 wrote:
This Historical Art and Symbolism thread makes me think of what it would have been like if Joseph Campbell would have moved on from the mythology of Star Wars to CTB.

Milius declared never ever read Campbell don't even knew his complete name, though he said that in an interview where he said a lot of shit about Star Wars and I felt he was really jealous about Lucas success compared with his lack of works lately.

Though, CTB is essentially Campbell's hero and so. Concious or not, Milius did almost the same Star Wars story but with a much more mature tone -and much better directed, IMO-.
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 12
Age : 49
Localisation : Johns Creek Georgia
Registration date : 2008-10-24

New Conan Trilogy Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Trilogy   New Conan Trilogy EmptyWed 29 Oct - 1:57

Crom!! I didnt know that Milius said that. I personally love Campbells approach to mythology. Milius,however,is a genius in his own right. I really feel that the only upcoming Conan movies should be made if he is a part of it. I've always felt that at heart he truly had a vision of the real Conan.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

New Conan Trilogy Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Trilogy   New Conan Trilogy EmptyWed 29 Oct - 4:05

One of the things I found funny was how Milius said he never read any Howard or fantasy, but yet knew all the Frank Frazetta covers. I mean back then you could only know these covers if you were hanging around comic shops,lol. But I really cant see Frazetta covers littering the beaches of California, I could of course be wrong, but... scratch Thorgrim
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Number of posts : 1217
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Registration date : 2005-09-12

New Conan Trilogy Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Trilogy   New Conan Trilogy EmptyWed 29 Oct - 7:59

In the DVD commentary didn't Milius say that he had read a lot of Howard before rewriting the script ? scratch
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

New Conan Trilogy Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Trilogy   New Conan Trilogy EmptyWed 29 Oct - 9:11

Its been ages since I last had watched that Documentary, but I think he said he was only familiar with the Frank Frazetta covers and all the illustrations which supposedly led to Milius dubbing himself "Viking Man", because of all the Viking like illustrations of Frazetta's. He pretty much stressed and made it a point he knew nothing of CONAN or RE Howard until Oliver Stone introduced him to it . But I couldve mis-heard.


I re-watched the Unchained Doc along with the Arnold/Milius commentary today. Milius on both versions mentioned he knew nothing of Conan or RE Howard until Stone came along. Milius also mentions that Stone wrote a very inspirational script but nothing which he used, which is erroneous unless he has a very strange sense of what it means to be inspirational. But he did state he took bits and pieces from everywhere, when talking about Thulsa Doom being a villain from Kull. Milius seemed to recognize stuff from his own script and deleted parts, although he made the odd remark of not having to cut too much out've the movie to Arnold after Arnold remembered more bloody and extended parts. So there is some deliberate BS by Milius. After viewing the Commentary, I think its simply a matter of Milius changing his mind sometime during Post-Production and satisfied with the finished released print. He states many times over that violence and gore should not be scene and its best not to see it. Well thats a complete opposite of the on-set production and the various stuff we know. He seems only annoyed over not having Arnold's narration.
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