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 Yasmina Dance

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2 posters
Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Yasmina Dance Empty
PostSubject: Yasmina Dance   Yasmina Dance EmptyTue 28 Oct - 3:15

The Yasmina dance isnt too elaborated upon in the script but something is briefly mentioned of her doing something while Doom sat crossed legged like a Hindu deity in a drug trance, it seems present and possibly filmed.* I think this website once had a piece on it at some point, not sure if its still up.

In the first Draft it seems Yasmina may of been Blond rather than Dark haired which perhaps called for a dancer in the role, besides in the first draft like Stones, the character was more physically active during the storyline. Wouldve been interesting if Bergman was considered for this character.

DeCamp's novel goes into more detail of the dance of Yasmina which clearly echos the dance of the Cobra's as seen in "Shadows of Zamboula" story..along with Marvel comics novelization of the movie, which has a little something illustrated. The movie contains some shots of Yasmina doing something there.

Interestingly enough, Sandahl Bergman does THE DANCE OF THE 3 SNAKES in Hell Comes to Frogtown:

Or this one might be less dark:
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 572
Registration date : 2005-02-12

Yasmina Dance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yasmina Dance   Yasmina Dance EmptyMon 17 Nov - 16:07

I think the very fact that Sandahl was never any good in any other role after Conan is a direct tribute and proof that Milius is a great director ! voui!
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