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 Rejoice, there is still hope !

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Cromulus The Destroyer
6 posters
Turanian War Officer

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Rejoice, there is still hope ! Empty
PostSubject: Rejoice, there is still hope !   Rejoice, there is still hope ! EmptyThu 13 Nov - 14:18

The Rat says he is NOT doing "Conan" right now, he is doing "Beverly Hills Cop 4" instead !

Also, the producer says he offered Arnold $1 million to do a cameo in the movie !

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Rejoice, there is still hope ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rejoice, there is still hope !   Rejoice, there is still hope ! EmptyThu 13 Nov - 15:04

Well Rat was also attached to the video game movie "God Of War" as well.

Arnold needs the money for Cauliflower or is California? scratch

*I rather not see Arnold in a bullshit cameo, nostalgia or not..could end up like his cameo in "Around the world in 80 days". Conan

Fuck, CONAN sucks since they let the franchise off life support in the mid 1980's. Fucking blowjobs!
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Pit Fighter

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Rejoice, there is still hope ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rejoice, there is still hope !   Rejoice, there is still hope ! EmptySun 16 Nov - 4:27

If they inserted Arnold in some 'meaningful' way and he played some MINOR role that was expedient in terms of the story development (perhaps Conacht - Conan's grandfather), and there was no big hype build up about it or even a screen credit, I'd be O.K. with it. But just putting him in to link the new movie with the old ones or to attach name recognition just to garner BIG money is a BIG mistake. And there should be absolutely no reference to the original "Conan the Barbarian" movie.

I just recently saw "Tropic Thunder" and really had no idea that Tom Cruise was in it. It took me a little while to figure out just who was playing the role of Less Grossman, and I found the character mildly entertaining until it dawned on me who it was (not a fan). By the way, the movie as a whole was pretty good (I almost fell out of my seat laughing at certain parts). But my point is that Cruise played a somewhat minor role in the film and his name was not OFFICIALLY dropped during the film's marketing (at least that I know of)...So, the bottom line?...Tropic Thunder was not a "Tom Cruise" flick, and Conan should not be another "Swarzenegger" flick.

Furthermore, I think there should be no ties or references to the previous films. In my opinion, "Conan the Barbarian" was (and is) one of the greatest fantasy films ever made. "Conan the Destroyer"...well, it sucked! But a new Conan film should not attempt to "remake" the original "Conan the Barbarian", that movie is fine as it is. So while I think an Arnold cameo can be inserted into the new movie, I think it should not be used as a tool to make the new Conan movie a "third installment". And I sincerely hope the movie will be a "relaunch" instead of a "remake".
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Rejoice, there is still hope ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rejoice, there is still hope !   Rejoice, there is still hope ! EmptySun 16 Nov - 6:34

Yeah, I really dont like the idea of Arnold being a sorta Osric or Conan's dad character, thats just ridiculous. The warrior cameo was done in SONJA and Arnold is out've his action hero days. If this movie is an origin story, which it seems although I cant see that it can be since RE Howard never wrote one, we can expect a near remake. And no early youthful Conan yarn can be a 2 hr movie and cost $80-100 million to film. Bottom line like Turd(where is he btw?) always says, its not going to be faithful or authentic.
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Pictish Scout

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Rejoice, there is still hope ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rejoice, there is still hope !   Rejoice, there is still hope ! EmptySun 16 Nov - 12:00

I'm not really sold on the idea of Arnold making a cameo in the new film. Maybe its just me, but it seems knid of disrespectful. Its like when the Hulk franchise was kick started a few years ago and they asked Louie Ferrigno to make a cameo. I thought,"Well thats good. They are giving the guy some respect". I guess they couldnt find anything better for him to do than play a security guard. The bad part about it is that he was the only reason that anyone watched the show in the first place. I guess that I'm just afraid that they would do the same thing to Arnold. You dont do that to the person that put the film on the map.
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 572
Registration date : 2005-02-12

Rejoice, there is still hope ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rejoice, there is still hope !   Rejoice, there is still hope ! EmptySun 16 Nov - 14:46

The only way I think a Schwarzenegger cameo could work in the new movie would be him playing old King Conan on his throne narrating his first adventures to the audience, at the beginning possibly middle & end of the movie like Milius' original plan was. The producers said they are searching a "younger version of Arnold" for the Conan role, so I guess his cameo could only be as old Conan or Conan's father...

Now what's up with the part where the producers says they want the movie to be shot in.... China ? Shocked Laughing
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Rejoice, there is still hope ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rejoice, there is still hope !   Rejoice, there is still hope ! EmptySun 16 Nov - 18:08

Dont know, maybe they hang around here and get ideas? Laughing
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Number of posts : 1217
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Rejoice, there is still hope ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rejoice, there is still hope !   Rejoice, there is still hope ! EmptyMon 17 Nov - 8:12

Einar wrote:
The only way I think a Schwarzenegger cameo could work in the new movie would be him playing old King Conan on his throne narrating his first adventures to the audience

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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Rejoice, there is still hope ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rejoice, there is still hope !   Rejoice, there is still hope ! EmptyWed 19 Nov - 22:41

The Arnold cameo is a cheap way of buying us.

The "we will be sooo motherfucking respectful with REH's original writtings" is the way of buying the people from

And the promised 300 aesthethics is the way of buying all the rest of teens who mainly are the first potential buyers of this piece of shhhhit.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Rejoice, there is still hope ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rejoice, there is still hope !   Rejoice, there is still hope ! EmptyWed 19 Nov - 22:51

Yeah, the new(now old) CONAN game for PS3 was a big failure, many didnt like as it was just a generic GOD OF WAR clone and didnt offer anything new aside from being fun for what it was..a bloody fantasy game.

300 was OK, I liked the machismo effect which captured the historical Spartans pretty well... but really nothing specular as it was mostly a live action cartoon.
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Rejoice, there is still hope ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rejoice, there is still hope !   Rejoice, there is still hope ! Empty

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