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 Arnold using his Sword one more time?

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Flaming Turd
Cromulus The Destroyer
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Arnold using his Sword one more time? Empty
PostSubject: Arnold using his Sword one more time?   Arnold using his Sword one more time? EmptyTue 10 Feb - 23:32

Quote :
"Conan's sword could not have cleaved our political system in two as cleanly as our own political parties have done," said Schwarzenegger, invoking one of his well-known movie roles

Arnold using his Sword one more time? 610x6000210

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger brings the sword he used in the movie "Conan The Barbarian," to the conference table before the start of budget negotiations with legislative leaders at the Capitol in Sacramento, Calif.
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Registration date : 2004-09-10

Arnold using his Sword one more time? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnold using his Sword one more time?   Arnold using his Sword one more time? EmptyTue 10 Feb - 23:47

Funny! Mr. Green

Arnold using his Sword one more time? Banniere-pub-06
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4224
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Arnold using his Sword one more time? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnold using his Sword one more time?   Arnold using his Sword one more time? EmptyWed 11 Feb - 1:53

Some questions came to my mind:

1- Is it a MARTO or an ALBION ?

2- Why are these legislative leaders smiling and relaxed? Did they get out alive? Shoudln't they be shitting in their female underwear?

3- The bear in the chair, what firm did he represent?

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Turanian War Officer

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Arnold using his Sword one more time? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnold using his Sword one more time?   Arnold using his Sword one more time? EmptyWed 11 Feb - 2:43

IIRC, he has one of the 5 original steel props, so...... scratch
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4224
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Arnold using his Sword one more time? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnold using his Sword one more time?   Arnold using his Sword one more time? EmptyWed 11 Feb - 5:23

Yeah it sure looks like an original prop from the first movie, the Destroyer one would be longer in grip and blade.
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Rider of Doom

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Arnold using his Sword one more time? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnold using his Sword one more time?   Arnold using his Sword one more time? EmptyWed 18 Feb - 10:29

I think it's an Albion, because he bought 2 Atlantean and one is in his office, so I think this sword is one of the two Albion ?
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Pit Fighter

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Arnold using his Sword one more time? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnold using his Sword one more time?   Arnold using his Sword one more time? EmptySat 28 Feb - 19:14

The sword still looks good in his hand Conan
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Pit Fighter

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Registration date : 2008-03-09

Arnold using his Sword one more time? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnold using his Sword one more time?   Arnold using his Sword one more time? EmptySun 1 Mar - 4:35

He should probably put the sword to practical use on all those smiling bastards in the room with him.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Arnold using his Sword one more time? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnold using his Sword one more time?   Arnold using his Sword one more time? EmptySun 1 Mar - 5:31

He'd probably have to also turn it on himself as well if that were the he's been fairly very much the typical politician. :doom:

I remember his lines in RED HEAT and THE LAST ACTION HERO, he made it out like he hated politicians. Mr. Green Wink

Yeah, that sword was made for him..dont see anybody else wielding that beast aside from him ina serious movie.

Last edited by Cromulus The Destroyer on Sun 1 Mar - 5:41; edited 1 time in total
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Pit Fighter

Number of posts : 75
Localisation : TEXAS
Registration date : 2008-03-09

Arnold using his Sword one more time? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnold using his Sword one more time?   Arnold using his Sword one more time? EmptySun 1 Mar - 5:39

Cromulus The Destroyer wrote:
He'd probably have to also turn it on himself as well if that were the he's been fairly very much the typical politician. :doom:

I remember his lines in RED HEAT and THE LAST ACTION HERO, he made it out like he hated politicians. Mr. Green

Yup, he had to go and get himself civilized.
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Arnold using his Sword one more time? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnold using his Sword one more time?   Arnold using his Sword one more time? Empty

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Arnold using his Sword one more time?
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