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 The PORN rage of BONAN

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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

The PORN rage of BONAN Empty
PostSubject: The PORN rage of BONAN   The PORN rage of BONAN EmptyTue 7 Apr - 0:52

Hi, guys, thanks for coming so fast right after reading the word PORN. Here you have it, RAGE OF BONAN!!!!!!!! Conan pig

The PORN rage of BONAN D-1

It's a PORN thingy in episodes availables in the web, apparently inspired by the "Age of Conan" videogame...

Quote :
From the creators of Whorelore comes THE RAGE OF BONAN

TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN INC. announced today that the brand new AGE OF CONAN video game which launched this week will be the basis for its latest fantasy-themed sex video.

Whorelore architect and Top of the Food Chain President Dez was quick to jump on this project after trying out a Beta version of the Age of Conan game; within two weeks Rage was completed.

Boasting tremendous special effects, accurate CGI technology and costumes true to the popular Conan myth, Rage Of Bonan imitates the opening scenes from the soon-to-be classic game: Bonan, played by AVN Performer of the Year ( Evan Stone), is enslaved on a ship until a horrible crash leaves him stranded on the beach. As he ventures into the unknown, he meets a woman (porn legend Syren) who is chain up and beaten. She tells Bonan of a Slavemaster who holds the key to unlock her chains. Bonan eliminates the Slavemaster and returns to the woman with the key. She expresses her appreciation by engulfing Bonan's flesh sword!

Dez's passion towards Age Of Conan has also prompted him to start a Guild on the on-line game sponsored by Whorelore and named "It's a perfect situation for me," he says. "I get to play one of the best games ever and at the same time promote Rage Of Bonan. I'm pretty confident our fans will devour this new project because we're putting the same effort and devotion that we always do but with a new theme. Plus, there's sex. How can we fail?"

The PORN rage of BONAN 2-1

The PORN rage of BONAN 2vljlax

The PORN rage of BONAN 33b1myf

The PORN rage of BONAN Untitled-31

If you bunch of sick bastards need some more, here's the link with a couple of more unholy shit, and if you guys do need more, well i'm pretty sure you have tons of ways of obtaining exciting films in the world wide web Razz
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 47
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

The PORN rage of BONAN Empty
PostSubject: Re: The PORN rage of BONAN   The PORN rage of BONAN EmptyTue 7 Apr - 2:57

Well considering Conan was a sort of womanizer, there could be little shortage of "plots" (used loosely) to back each episode. i was afraid that the video game might begin another derailing of the franchise into crap fans don't actually want to see. Nothing the world likes less than capitalizing on a fad; regardless of understanding or affection for the material.

I wish there were ways in which fans of anything could buy rights in order to have better control of the future of things. Nothing created is ever the creators baby.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

The PORN rage of BONAN Empty
PostSubject: Re: The PORN rage of BONAN   The PORN rage of BONAN EmptyTue 7 Apr - 18:20

LOL the Photobucket guys, man, they are the true sick ones Laughing

Can you believe they censored this one:

The PORN rage of BONAN Untitled-32

and this one:

The PORN rage of BONAN Et-1

And NOT this one!!!! Laughing

The PORN rage of BONAN D-2


Dude, such a bunch of... Really, I just don't understand the policy of that stupid site...
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

The PORN rage of BONAN Empty
PostSubject: Re: The PORN rage of BONAN   The PORN rage of BONAN EmptySun 17 May - 10:40

Where the fuck did you find these things? Whorelore? HAHA

*Also what the fuck, I had anthropological plate on Photobucket which is national geographical printable for shits sake and they deleted it. Anybody know any imagehosts that dont censor and are legit?
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

The PORN rage of BONAN Empty
PostSubject: Re: The PORN rage of BONAN   The PORN rage of BONAN EmptySun 17 May - 12:49

Imagebam is adult images allowed, but they only give you small versions of the pics.... at least I don't know how to get the real size
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