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 Olivia D'abo

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5 posters
Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Olivia D'abo Empty
PostSubject: Olivia D'abo   Olivia D'abo EmptyTue 7 Apr - 20:15

She's 42 now...

Olivia D'abo F224769881328d08i3

She is into music, right now, and releasing an album by herself.

Olivia D'abo OliviadAbo_coverLg

Previously she had written and performed duets with other artists like Laura Pausini or Bon Jovi... Rolling Eyes

A songs from her album

And a stupid video of her playing guitar but without any sound LOL!!!

She was 16 when she made THE DESTROYER!! Shocked Embarassed pig

Olivia D'abo 6

Olivia D'abo Olivia_DAbo_1

Olivia D'abo Dibujo-28

Olivia D'abo 878

Olivia D'abo 4-1

Olivia D'abo 3

in WONDER YEARS she was in her early 20's :

Olivia D'abo Dibujo-27

Olivia D'abo OliviaDabo

26 years old:

Olivia D'abo 68 Olivia D'abo Ry-1

Late 30's :

Olivia D'abo 656

Olivia D'abo Olivia20Dabo-2 Olivia D'abo Oliviadaboposter001

In her 40's :

Olivia D'abo Dibujo-26

Olivia D'abo 2441a Olivia D'abo Olivia-dabo


Last edited by Flaming Turd on Tue 7 Apr - 20:20; edited 1 time in total
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Olivia D'abo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Olivia D'abo   Olivia D'abo EmptyTue 7 Apr - 20:16

Olivia D'abo 67

Olivia D'abo 989


Mr. Green
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

Olivia D'abo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Olivia D'abo   Olivia D'abo EmptyMon 6 Feb - 0:59

A photo of Olivia and Sandahl together Olivia D'abo Dabo11
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

Olivia D'abo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Olivia D'abo   Olivia D'abo EmptyMon 6 Feb - 1:01

Photo found here
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 206
Registration date : 2010-06-07

Olivia D'abo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Olivia D'abo   Olivia D'abo EmptyTue 7 Feb - 20:46

Well, according to the imdb she was born in January 1969, so she was only fourteen during the shooting of CTD
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King Sven
King Sven

Number of posts : 1579
Age : 40
Localisation : Doom's Temple/Room 7, on the left just after leaving the armoury (But, beware of the Snake !)
Registration date : 2006-12-09

Olivia D'abo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Olivia D'abo   Olivia D'abo EmptySun 11 Mar - 17:54

Well, in my secret dreams, in the deepness of the night, She hasn't aged at all... ! Mr. Green Wink

EDIT : I wish I were the monkey that day... pig
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 6
Age : 55
Localisation : Canada
Registration date : 2012-03-06

Olivia D'abo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Olivia D'abo   Olivia D'abo EmptySat 24 Mar - 16:27

soyfriki wrote:
Well, according to the imdb she was born in January 1969, so she was only fourteen during the shooting of CTD

Two months younger than me. No wonder I had the major hots for her when I saw the movie back then. :)
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Olivia D'abo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Olivia D'abo   Olivia D'abo Empty

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Olivia D'abo
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