Number of posts : 4225 Registration date : 2007-08-28
Subject: American Samurai Wed 8 Apr - 5:52
Check out this scene in a piece of shhhh called AMERICAN SAMURAI (with Mark Dacascos)...
AOster Turanian War Officer
Number of posts : 258 Age : 47 Localisation : Pacific NW Registration date : 2007-05-20
Subject: Re: American Samurai Wed 8 Apr - 7:05
Epic win!
Too funny. I wonder how many producers, directors, script writers, actors, etc... kill themselves when they see the final cuts.
Gunderman Pictish Scout
Number of posts : 18 Registration date : 2009-03-11
Subject: Re: American Samurai Wed 8 Apr - 14:54
Flaming Turd obviously watches these films out of DUTY rather than ENJOYMENT - it must be terrible, spending all those nights gazing at outrageously terrible fight movies!
vzd963 Rider of Doom
Number of posts : 132 Registration date : 2009-02-07
Subject: Torture Wed 8 Apr - 15:00
Yes, I feel sad for him too - it must be very tiring. I wonder if he has to force booze into himself at the same time? That would be a terrible burden. How come he doesn't crack up?
Flaming Turd Vanir
Number of posts : 4225 Registration date : 2007-08-28