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 The BEAT Generation

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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

The BEAT Generation Empty
PostSubject: The BEAT Generation   The BEAT Generation EmptyWed 6 May - 7:29

Milius say that his surfer gang during teenage years was hugely influenced by the Beat Generation -(now I pretty much understand where all his "punk-like" attitudes come from).

The Beat Generation in America during the 50's planted the seeds of anarchism which later would rise in the form of two movements: hippism and punk. The surfer gang of Milius disliked hippism (Milius never used drugs because he was mentally fragile, also disliked naivety and anti-violence of hippism) but was close related to punk in terms of style and agressivity against civilization (breaking the rules, to find freedom).

Milius say that he and his surfer gang used to go to Beat poetry readings.

BEAT writers.

The BEAT Generation 2796ae34892387


The BEAT Generation Aa284e34892388

Very interesting.
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