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 DARYL HANNAH as Red Sonja

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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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PostSubject: DARYL HANNAH as Red Sonja   DARYL HANNAH as Red Sonja EmptyWed 25 Nov - 14:23

study In STARLOG #85 interview to Richard Fleisher (dated 1984), he says that he is thinking about DARYL HANNAH to play the role of Sonja in the 1985 picture.

Hm, could have been better than Nielsen, I guess. Not the best actress ever but lightyears more talented than Nielsen...

DARYL HANNAH as Red Sonja 40acf457463363 DARYL HANNAH as Red Sonja 89b5e457463364

Interestingly enough, Tarantino added a Fleisher's "RED SONJA" reference on his "Kill Bill vol. 2" during the fight between Thurman and Hannah fight. They both repeat a dialogue from the "Sonja" movie, so I wonder If Tarantino wasn't making a concious reference to the fact that Hannah was at some point going to star that old film... The "Kill Bill" movies also shared some other common points with the "Sonja" movie too, therefore the influence was clear.

Hannah had played the replicant-warrior woman on "Blade Runner" on 1982 and later the idiotic flick "Splash" were she showed her sweet ass with an annoying fishy smell Rolling Eyes . After 1985 she would play the savage prehistoric Ayla in "Clan of the Cave Bear"

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Also, even today she is both hot and tough. Fits with the Sonja character much better than McGowan (or Jessica Alba, by their asses' sake!!!). Sonja is not just a hottie with a sword, she is a proffesional assassin of men.

Sure, hot as hell. But brutal.

Is not that Hannah would be the perfect choice today, but is better than the current options. Mad

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Hannah even has some slightly "masculine" touches and a strong face, and still being beautiful.

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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DARYL HANNAH as Red Sonja Empty
PostSubject: Re: DARYL HANNAH as Red Sonja   DARYL HANNAH as Red Sonja EmptyMon 30 Nov - 16:17

Bergman was interested in both Belit & Sonja too she mentioned in some article in a PREVUE mag I got.

Again, many of these actresses are chosen for their looks rather than talent. Hannah I never liked nor found her attractive. The Sonja character I never cared for anyhow. I'll stick with the first two CONAN's and watch RED SONJA because I liked Arnold's acting andportrayal of Kalidor in the dud.
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Turanian War Officer

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DARYL HANNAH as Red Sonja Empty
PostSubject: Re: DARYL HANNAH as Red Sonja   DARYL HANNAH as Red Sonja EmptyMon 30 Nov - 16:39

Yea... I think RS had a lot more baggage than the choice of lead actress... In fact there was very little to keep it on the watch list. The director tried to include too many cliches I think. From plot/screenplay to casting and acting, the film was pretty poor.

But fun in it's way!
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