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 Anybody owns the 1:4 Conan figure?

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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 47
Age : 38
Localisation : Austria
Registration date : 2008-06-16

Anybody owns the 1:4 Conan figure? Empty
PostSubject: Anybody owns the 1:4 Conan figure?   Anybody owns the 1:4 Conan figure? EmptyTue 22 Jun - 19:45

This one:

I thought about purchasing it, but I am not quite sure.
The facial expression didn`t seem to good crafted, and the figure seems so pale, that`s freakin me out a bit.
Or is this just how the photo was taken?

It seems that the little Neca one has better facial expressions, which seems kinda odd cause it just costs a few bucks.

I actually like it, but at over 300 euros I expect it to be flawless.
Anyone own that thing?
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Anybody owns the 1:4 Conan figure?
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