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  going to calfornia art done by stout in great shape

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 going to calfornia  art done by stout in great shape Empty
PostSubject: going to calfornia art done by stout in great shape    going to calfornia  art done by stout in great shape EmptyThu 15 Jul - 1:12

where do I find out what the cover art is worth i have a bootleg zeppelin from 1973 depicting the band on the back of a flying pig
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

 going to calfornia  art done by stout in great shape Empty
PostSubject: Re: going to calfornia art done by stout in great shape    going to calfornia  art done by stout in great shape EmptyMon 19 Jul - 14:33

Er... what?

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going to calfornia art done by stout in great shape
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