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 Model Aircraft or the Harii? Camoflage of Conan

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Model Aircraft or the Harii? Camoflage of Conan Empty
PostSubject: Model Aircraft or the Harii? Camoflage of Conan   Model Aircraft or the Harii? Camoflage of Conan EmptyThu 16 Sep - 7:46

This may of been partly the inspiration for Milius, from Tacitus' Germania

Quote :
As for the Harii, they are superior in strength to the other peoples I have just mentioned, and they pander to their savage instincts by choice of trickery and time. They black their shields and dye their bodies black and choose pitch dark nights for their battles. The terrifying shadow of such a fiendish army inspires a mortal panic, for no enemy can stand so strange and devilish a sight. Defeat in battle always begins with the eyes.
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Model Aircraft or the Harii? Camoflage of Conan
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