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 Anvil of Crom (Enhanced Brass Ensemble Version)

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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 2
Localisation : Germany
Registration date : 2010-11-25

Anvil of Crom (Enhanced Brass Ensemble Version) Empty
PostSubject: Anvil of Crom (Enhanced Brass Ensemble Version)   Anvil of Crom (Enhanced Brass Ensemble Version) EmptyThu 25 Nov - 22:20

Hi there, nice to be here.
as many of you know, a few weeks ago the Re-recording of the Soundtrack to "Conan The Barbarian" was released from Prometheus Records.
It is an outstanding recording of my most favourite Soundtrack.
But, regarding "Anvil of Crom" i was a little dissapointed about the French Horn Ensemble of that re-recording. In my oppinion it was a little weak compare to original recording from 1981. Especially the Horn Melody at the Ending was barely audible.
So i did some Overdubs of the entire French Horn Section of that Cue to enhance the power of the Original recording.
You can listen to it here.

please tell me your opinions !

greetings from Germany
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 5
Age : 39
Registration date : 2010-12-17

Anvil of Crom (Enhanced Brass Ensemble Version) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anvil of Crom (Enhanced Brass Ensemble Version)   Anvil of Crom (Enhanced Brass Ensemble Version) EmptySat 18 Dec - 1:45

Sounds great, man! Much more powerful than what was recorded on the new CD.
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 2
Localisation : Germany
Registration date : 2010-11-25

Anvil of Crom (Enhanced Brass Ensemble Version) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anvil of Crom (Enhanced Brass Ensemble Version)   Anvil of Crom (Enhanced Brass Ensemble Version) EmptySun 19 Dec - 0:35

Beacham wrote:
Sounds great, man! Much more powerful than what was recorded on the new CD.

Thank you very much ! I have used a complete 21 Horn Ensemble and a 7 Trumpet Ensemble for the overdubs.
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Anvil of Crom (Enhanced Brass Ensemble Version) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anvil of Crom (Enhanced Brass Ensemble Version)   Anvil of Crom (Enhanced Brass Ensemble Version) Empty

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Anvil of Crom (Enhanced Brass Ensemble Version)
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