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 still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas

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Flaming Turd
nerd alert
6 posters
nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Empty
PostSubject: still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas   still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas EmptySat 25 Dec - 2:21

still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Conan_g2g_M_jpg_627x325_crop_upscale_q85
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Empty
PostSubject: Re: still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas   still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas EmptySat 25 Dec - 2:45

i don't think she is wearing the bird dress unfortunatelystill of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas O_425_Sarah_Douglas_Sci-Fi_Queen_RARE_STUDIO_PROMO_Signed___
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Registration date : 2007-08-28

still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Empty
PostSubject: Re: still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas   still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas EmptySat 25 Dec - 3:23

AWESOME still!! Shocked

Where does it come from? Looks like a DVD still or something
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Empty
PostSubject: Re: still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas   still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas EmptySat 25 Dec - 5:03

This is the dress she wears from the cut scene?still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Scene
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Empty
PostSubject: Re: still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas   still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas EmptySat 25 Dec - 5:11

Found still from this web page,45525/
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Empty
PostSubject: Re: still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas   still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas EmptySat 25 Dec - 5:31

still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Costumes
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Empty
PostSubject: Re: still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas   still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas EmptySat 25 Dec - 5:37

still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Conancast
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Empty
PostSubject: Re: still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas   still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas EmptySat 25 Dec - 5:48

She has another different dress she wears at the end of the movie also.still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas 288230

Last edited by nerd alert on Thu 24 May - 4:46; edited 1 time in total
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Empty
PostSubject: Re: still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas   still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas EmptySat 25 Dec - 6:05

still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Douglas57
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Pit Fighter

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still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Empty
PostSubject: Re: still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas   still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas EmptySat 25 Dec - 15:31

Thorgrim this scene was maybe too hot for the audience?
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Empty
PostSubject: Re: still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas   still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas EmptySun 26 Dec - 1:57

Not sure if I remember seeing that but then again its been quite some time since I hunted for lost conan material. Funny yhing about PG and PG 13 ratings in the 80's and even early 90's was that you could still see naked bodies. Not entirely sure why this scene was cut, I dont think its that graphic in the scripts or even by Douglas' own words.

I'm rather of the opinion that some scenes were re-shot rather than just simply edited out.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Empty
PostSubject: Re: still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas   still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas EmptyMon 27 Dec - 1:24

nerd alert wrote:
Found still from this web page,45525/

Wow, that article is really well written!

study (Well, only that it credits the script to Oliver Stone when it surely refers to Milius'... but overall it's a very good article on the subject).
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Jeff Mercer
Pictish Scout
Jeff Mercer

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still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Empty
PostSubject: Re: still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas   still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas EmptyMon 27 Dec - 23:40

Very Cool
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 38
Localisation : New Jersey, USA
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still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Empty
PostSubject: Re: still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas   still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas EmptyTue 11 Jan - 21:36

A great article, thanks for the link. That raven dress is something!
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still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Empty
PostSubject: Re: still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas   still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas Empty

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still of deleted love scene from Conan 2 with Sarah Douglas
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