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 Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay

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4 posters

Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay Empty
PostSubject: Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay   Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay EmptyThu 6 Jan - 18:14

Original Concept Art from Conan The Barbarian ca.1982 by Ron Cobb. This original art is a mixed media master piece created on illustration board in watercolors, gouache, ink, and marker. The depth and perspective and color transistions of "Conan's World" are brilliantly portayed by artist/ designer Cobb. What does not show on the scanned image is that Conan's piercing stair is directed at a severed arm still holding a sword, from an enemy that appears in the very front foreground of the artwork. This film was the1st feature of which Cobb received the credit of production designer. Other well known Cobb contributions are Star Wars Episode IV, The Alien, Total Recall, The Rocketeer and many more.

The art is signed RCobb on the bottom right

Offered custom matted

Overall Size: 28" x 22"
Image Size: 21.5" x 15.25"
Conan Image Size: 10" x 4"
Certificate of Authenticity : lennylandebiz
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King Sven
King Sven

Number of posts : 1579
Age : 40
Localisation : Doom's Temple/Room 7, on the left just after leaving the armoury (But, beware of the Snake !)
Registration date : 2006-12-09

Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay   Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay EmptyThu 6 Jan - 19:45

You're joking ?! It's a fake, it isn't Ron's style at all. Bullshit ! Rolling Eyes Laughing
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay   Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay EmptyFri 7 Jan - 0:50


I think I'm gonna bid on it. Cause I'm retarded. Cause we here are all retarded. disco

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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 206
Registration date : 2010-06-07

Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay   Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay EmptyFri 7 Jan - 2:16

And that Conan drawing is a copy of the opening page of "A Witch Shall Be Born" lol
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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 129
Age : 55
Localisation : Off-world Colonies (FL)
Registration date : 2007-05-11

Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay   Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay EmptyFri 7 Jan - 4:54

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay   Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay Empty

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Ron Cobb never-before-seen concept art on eBay
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