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 Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube

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Cromulus The Destroyer
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PostSubject: Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube   Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube EmptySun 9 Jan - 0:02

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube   Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube EmptySun 9 Jan - 10:51

Thats actually the single most interesting thing in 3 years for me CONAN related. Thanks for posting. Is there a way to record that for the forum? Just in case it ever vanishes off of youtube we have our own copy archived.

Notice "Queen of Shadizar" dialogue worded by Douglas was cut out from the theatrical print. This movie was definitely chopped to pieces.

To bad Arnold changed for the worse after Terminator, he went with terminator because it was a more sure thing, success wise. So he abandoned CONAN in its favor and wanted outve his Conan contract shortly there after. Unfortunately Milius never stayed with the project and only got back into Conan after a huge fan base was made know and the sucecss of Gladiator. With Arnold he got interested again in Conan only when his career was in the tank during the mid-late 90's. He shouldve became like a Mel Gibson, but instead went with the easy money as always because he doesnt take anything that seriously unless it makes him big money.

Travy Walther was mis-cast--had they had a better actor and the character been atleast more faithful for script than that wouldve made a big difference. The character of Malak still sucked though.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube   Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube EmptyMon 10 Jan - 13:42

Cromulus, there is a way to download youtube videos to your hardrive. With a google search you will find a program rather quickly.

THANKS Nerd Alert!
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube   Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube EmptyMon 10 Jan - 13:54

I agree on your comment, BTW. Milius seems to be just like his old pal Lucas, only interested if there's some big money on it... I have a great book by Peter Biskind wich reads about that bunch of filmakers (Milius, Spielberg, Coppola, Lucas, etc) and their huge greed. They raised quickly, made a number of awesome pieces of art, then their talent vanished by their greed and fortune and glory hunger... It was, indeed, -the book at least states it that way- that very same greed wich made them do their awesome first movies, though.

In the video, Arnold looks way more interesting AND INTELLIGENT than in "The Destroyer" movie. Such a shame the Conan character there looked so retarded... It could have been more like the true Arnold, with sense of humor and same time a more mature attitude.
Today I received the "Conan the Destroyer" novel by Jordan. I read a little of it and seems it works way better than the movie. Some pieces are explained as why Conan doesn't want to fuck now, or why Conan really refuses the throne at the end... Seems like a very superficial novel though, and not too adult, but at least it fills the holes the movie has wich makes it even more stupid.

Grace Jones was actually very good. Anybody else agrees with me there? She was actually the only true credible character in the whole movie.
The rest... meh! The princess behave like a 80's modern bimbo... Who could believe she was a primordial princess.... Malak sucked Jar-Jar-Binks time.
Bombaata was innexpressive as a piece of wood.
And Akiro, well, Mako was simply lovable but his role here was a piece of crap.

One thing to add, Arnold did this movie cause it was, INDEED, PAYED VACATIONS. He had married Maria and was having the honeymoon on Mexico while filming. So, YES, he did it for the money. Absolutely. Rolling Eyes
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Turanian War Officer

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Registration date : 2010-06-07

Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube   Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube EmptyMon 10 Jan - 16:48

The destroyer is a guilty pleasure for me. Whenever I watch it I have to forget what it might have been in Milius hands and enjoy it for what it is and the things I like. Basil´s music, Grace Jones (absolutely agreed with what you said about her, and I kept hoping she spread Malak´s brains all over, like he threatens to do ), Emilio Ruiz del Rio miniatures (and you MUST see the documentary film about him "El Ultimo Truco", and of course Sarah Douglas!

Btw, some time ago I found out that some fans had made a CTD edit, removing its most cheesy and embarrassing elements, calling it CTD Serious Edition. I´m very curious to see it.
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Pictish Scout

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Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube   Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube EmptyTue 11 Jan - 21:27

Conan the Destroyer book definitely was a much deeper story for such short read. I really liked it. Both Milius and Arnold wanted out after the the butcher job of the second movie. The late De Laurentis and his daughter put no value on this genre. To them, it is something that should be kept simple, child like. (Kull anyone?). They all took a real punch to the gut, and decided to go for the bucks. Sell outs? ::Shrugs:: Livings have to be made, and before the internet, organized fan bases, while big, were not nearly as astronomical in scale. It took a lot more work to put those numbers together.
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Turanian War Officer

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Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube   Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube EmptyWed 12 Jan - 4:17

I actually have a copy of the edited Fanfilm or whatever they are called. There was a website that had the whole thing downloadable in chunks many years ago. It did indeed cut out a lot of the slapstick stuff. Though, it did cut out more than it needed to at times. ~Some~ of the humor was acceptable IMHO. I burned it onto a DVD and put it with my special edition version in a 2-disc DVD case. I think I chucked out my US version... Embarassed
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

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PostSubject: Re: Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube   Conan 2 Behind the scene footage on you-tube EmptyWed 12 Jan - 15:14

On a side note, Tracy Walther stole Stan Laurel's hair:

Mr. Green
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