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 Concept art (of "Conan 3D")

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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Concept art (of "Conan 3D") Empty
PostSubject: Concept art (of "Conan 3D")   Concept art (of "Conan 3D") EmptyFri 9 Sep - 9:03

Anybody ever found some concept-art of the movie, around the web? I only found this:

wich to me it totally looks like "AGE OF CONAN" videogame art. Not the movie.

Wasn't there any real movie concept, anywhere? (I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't exist, seems they made the movie without too much previous homework Razz )
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The Axe
Pictish Scout
The Axe

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Concept art (of "Conan 3D") Empty
PostSubject: Re: Concept art (of "Conan 3D")   Concept art (of "Conan 3D") EmptySun 15 Jan - 12:22

on the extras for the new film the 'art' and 'storyboards' for the production design were all cut scenes from age of hyboria.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Concept art (of "Conan 3D") Empty
PostSubject: Re: Concept art (of "Conan 3D")   Concept art (of "Conan 3D") EmptySat 21 Apr - 5:53

Thanks, Axe.
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PostSubject: Re: Concept art (of "Conan 3D")   Concept art (of "Conan 3D") Empty

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Concept art (of "Conan 3D")
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