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 Billy & Ted's Bogus Journey cut scenes

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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

Billy & Ted's  Bogus  Journey cut scenes Empty
PostSubject: Billy & Ted's Bogus Journey cut scenes   Billy & Ted's  Bogus  Journey cut scenes EmptySun 22 Jan - 21:47

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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

Billy & Ted's  Bogus  Journey cut scenes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billy & Ted's Bogus Journey cut scenes   Billy & Ted's  Bogus  Journey cut scenes EmptySun 22 Jan - 22:14

I like the way the movie stills of the cut scenes were put into the movie. The Person who posted the clip wrote note if you would like to see these scenes on dvd are blu ray be sure to to contact Mgm.
These would be a great idea for a You Tube Clip featuring movie stills from Conan 1982. It would lnform fans who don't know about the missing footage . If there was a campaign to get Universal studios to look for more footage this would be cool.
Red Sonja has not come out on blu ray in the U.S.A. (maybe with some pressure from the fans they might give us are missing scenes)
Would any fan want to make a you tube video of Conan the missing scenes (hint hint !!!)
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

Billy & Ted's  Bogus  Journey cut scenes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billy & Ted's Bogus Journey cut scenes   Billy & Ted's  Bogus  Journey cut scenes EmptySun 22 Jan - 22:24

Look how many hits this clip of Conan got. Photo stills of the female pit fighter would have been good to have at the end of the clip. Plus A note telling fans to get Universal to find this footage.
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PostSubject: Re: Billy & Ted's Bogus Journey cut scenes   Billy & Ted's  Bogus  Journey cut scenes Empty

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Billy & Ted's Bogus Journey cut scenes
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