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 King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard???

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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2013-05-01

King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard??? Empty
PostSubject: King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard???   King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard??? EmptyWed 1 May - 0:43

Hello, Please help me find this image again! I found a large color image of King Conan with a beard a long time ago , I believe on this forum or thearnoldfans. I remember this to be a promotional photo possibly talken by a Spanish photographer.
Thank You

Last edited by RED HAIR on Fri 3 May - 21:16; edited 1 time in total
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nerd alert
nerd alert

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Registration date : 2010-03-07

King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard???   King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard??? EmptyWed 1 May - 20:29

There might be some photos here
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2013-05-01

King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard???   King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard??? EmptyWed 1 May - 20:41

Nerd , Thanks so much these are the shots! The size is what I am looking for though. The close up with fist on bearded chin is the image I am looking for. Actually those are so F-in awesome now we just need all of these in larger size. I am an artist, make props and all kinds of 2d stuff too. That is why I am being so detailed. I need to study these in high resolution. New members are not allowed to post external links as of yet....I will add some links when I can.
Red Hair
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2013-05-01

King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard??? Empty
PostSubject: I found it but the link is dead. Please help!   King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard??? EmptyFri 10 May - 5:40

Our compadre Domingo from the Spanish board just got this great close-up photo of King Conan from José Antonio Sánchez himself, the make-up guy who was in charge to add the fake beard onto Arnold's face!
I think this is the image I had. Anyone out there have this? I pm'ed Domingo from Spanish board and will pm MightyMcT!

I emailed the art director of and he said his buddy has these images and he would get them for me , so I just have to find the nice way to put the heat on him!

Check the high res of King Conan on there title page!
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2013-05-01

King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard???   King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard??? EmptyFri 10 May - 6:00

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King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard???   King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard??? Empty

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King Conan promotional / publicity image with Beard???
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