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 New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand

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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand Empty
PostSubject: New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand   New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand EmptyMon 17 Mar - 2:47

Click here for information about new Conan Movie
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand   New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand EmptyMon 17 Mar - 2:51

Pasi Schalin plays Conan New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand Schalin_select
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand   New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand EmptyMon 17 Mar - 2:55

New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand Image_Utilisateur_530fd217d7f22
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Pictish Scout

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New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand   New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand EmptyTue 10 Jun - 16:19

New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand Cartaz11

This is a fan poster.
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Rider of Doom

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New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand   New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand EmptySun 25 Jan - 12:35

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Pit Fighter

Number of posts : 82
Registration date : 2011-08-29

New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand   New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand EmptyWed 28 Jan - 15:01

IRON SHADOWS is a $2 million Canadian/Thai movie shot in Thailand and directed by Kit Mallet. Its last known status was said to be in post-production. It is based on the short story, "Iron shadows in the moon" (aka, "Shadows in the moonlight") by Robert E. Howard. A lot of Howard purists are genuinely enthused by this after feeling let down by the betrayal of CONAN 2011 and aghast at the thought of Arnold returning to the role in LEGEND OF CONAN. But I get the impression that Howard fans are so desperate to see a faithful interpretation they are missing the horrible reality of this venture, even when that evidence is placed before their eyes.
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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 112
Localisation : Italy
Registration date : 2011-12-27

New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand   New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand EmptyWed 28 Jan - 15:32

For me there is only one Conan ... Arnold Schwartzenegger... and the best director is John Milius .

If they will make more Conan movies I would prefer they have him made in CGI lol rather than seeing another Momoa ...
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Pit Fighter

Number of posts : 82
Registration date : 2011-08-29

New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand   New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand EmptyFri 3 Apr - 9:15

From Patrice Louinet of Robert E. -

You've heard it talked about here for several months... Kit Mallet's film adapting "Iron Shadows in the Moon" by our beloved Two-Gun Bob, completely faithful to the novella, will never be released on your screens. However, the film has been finished for a long time.

If it had been released, it would have been the very first adaptation of Howard in cinema... What happened? You'll know in the upcoming days in a world exclusive on
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Pit Fighter

Number of posts : 82
Registration date : 2011-08-29

New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand   New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand EmptySun 5 Apr - 10:30

A snippet from the interview with Andrea Stefancikova who plays Oivia in the low budget Conan movie, IRON SHADOWS- "Without entering specifics, were you aware during shooting that there might be some legal issues with the release of the movie? A comment or two?"

Andrea Stefancikova: "Well, it crossed my mind of course. I was well aware of the power of the word Conan in the world. I also knew there were other big studio Conan film projects out there, that might not like the idea of our indie adaptation especially when ours was so true to the original REH’s story.
I asked George Tan about the rights at the initial meeting, and he said I had nothing to worry about since "Iron Shadows in the Moon" was public domain and he took care of everything. So I stopped asking. My focus was primarily on the work. When I found out the film was canned I was very naturally disappointed and upset. I thought and hoped to see the film and share it with the REH and Conan fans. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, and it just made me realize the power of certain people or companies. I am sorry I can't add more to this as I would have to get into details."

Looks as if it was denied release and shut down by Paradox Entertainment, who own Conan Properties.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand   New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand EmptyTue 14 Apr - 22:17

That producer deserves to be executed asap. What a retard.
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand   New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand EmptyThu 7 May - 17:18

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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand   New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand EmptySun 10 May - 3:23

longer clip from the movie

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New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand   New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand Empty

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New Conan Movie Iron Shadows being made in Thailand
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