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 Marto Special edition swords replicas to sell

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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2014-07-26

Marto Special edition swords replicas to sell Empty
PostSubject: Marto Special edition swords replicas to sell   Marto Special edition swords replicas to sell EmptySun 16 Aug - 14:34


I have "special Edition" swords replicas by Marto to sell : one serpent fangs, one father sword and perhaps an atlantean sword (I don't made my mind yet). These are visible in this post on the french forum :

I make some room in my flat and I sell the serpent fangs and the father's sword in a bundle... As fat as I know, they are all "Special Edition" son rarer and better finished than the Epic one.

If you are interested by, make me an offer. Important point, sending them by post looks complicated : too heavy and too cumbersome. So The replicas are to pick up at my place. I live in France, in the suburbs of Paris, in the east.

have a good day !

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Marto Special edition swords replicas to sell
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