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 Update on Marto Conan VS Windlass Conan

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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2017-11-04

Update on Marto Conan VS Windlass Conan Empty
PostSubject: Update on Marto Conan VS Windlass Conan   Update on Marto Conan VS Windlass Conan EmptyMon 6 Nov - 11:02

Hi all
I have seen a thread from way back when the oceans ran red with bl....hang on, carried away, well it was a bit ago and as such some photos are not viewable.

I am stuck between the Marto and Windlass, both almost at same cost (seen Marto special but for the price hike, I don't see what justifies it)

From looking around, it seems the Marto has the darker colour guard, darker string grip, real etched runes...but, its stainless steal, has name/ID printed on both sides of the blade.

The windlass has lighter guard, slightly less detail depth, lighter string, better steel...but laser etched runes that give it away, more talk of bits falling off or rattling.

Seeing if there are owners of both out there who can give pros and cons, has anything changed over the years with build, ie Windlass now has real etched runes or still laser?

Real prop, Windlass, Marto
Update on Marto Conan VS Windlass Conan Conan-10
Update on Marto Conan VS Windlass Conan 88401610
Update on Marto Conan VS Windlass Conan M6011610

My main aim is most accurate...without having to spend £1000s

thanks in advance
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Update on Marto Conan VS Windlass Conan
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