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 Sword and sorcery in cinema: Conan and other barbarians

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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2020-05-12

Sword and sorcery in cinema: Conan and other barbarians Empty
PostSubject: Sword and sorcery in cinema: Conan and other barbarians   Sword and sorcery in cinema: Conan and other barbarians EmptyThu 11 Jun - 18:32

Sword and sorcery in cinema: Conan and other barbarians 51CjR2AedIL

Recently this book about barbarian films came out! Cool Conan

Besides the two official Conan movies (Conan the Barbarian and Conan the Destroyer) there are also reviews on sword&sorcery exploitation made in the ´80, mostly in Italy . The book´s name is "Sword and sorcery in cinema: Conan and other barbarians: A filmic guide" and you can find it on Amazon (available as ebook and also paperback), here is the link:

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