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 Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s

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Cromulus The Destroyer
6 posters

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Registration date : 2004-09-10

Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s Empty
PostSubject: Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s   Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s EmptyTue 13 Feb - 23:32

Many thanks to texas79, who emailed us these to post in the forum. They're from an American sewing book from the 1970's called "The
Yestermorrow Clothes Book." There are a couple more but she hasn't scanned them yet...

Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s Cg1Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s Cg2

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s   Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s EmptyFri 16 Feb - 11:52

Sweet, Gava looks basically like she did in that 1983 Tom Selleck movie, think it was called "High Road to China" or something. She had a decent bit part in it too.

Many thanks to Texas79.


To bad she was really underused for CONAN. In Stone's draft, she makes a slight return in Conan's tent before the big battle with Thulsa's army of darkness. :doom:
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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 114
Localisation : Spain
Registration date : 2007-01-07

Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s   Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s EmptyWed 28 Feb - 23:38

Good pics, i have a few from 1998:

Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s 00003424860111f30256rt2

Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s 00003316890051f18069wb9
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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 129
Age : 55
Localisation : Off-world Colonies (FL)
Registration date : 2007-05-11

Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s Empty
PostSubject: On a related note...   Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s EmptyFri 11 May - 6:50

Here is an interesting cast "age progression" comparison I made a few months ago (all the 'Now' photos are recent, with the exception of Valérie (R.I.P.)):
Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s Thennowrj5
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Number of posts : 16130
Registration date : 2004-12-15

Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s   Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s EmptySat 12 May - 20:55

Nice work, Batty! thumleft

Here is a recent photo of Spanish actor Jorge Sanz (who played young Conan):

Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s Jorge_sanz
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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 129
Age : 55
Localisation : Off-world Colonies (FL)
Registration date : 2007-05-11

Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s   Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s EmptyMon 14 May - 5:44


Updated photo:

Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s Thennowix7

Now if I could only find a "recent" (circa ~2000)photo of Luis Barboo (Red Hair), the collage would be just about finished. Wink
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s   Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s EmptySat 19 May - 22:07

Should maybe add Milius, Yamazaki (sp?) and Cobb?
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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 132
Registration date : 2009-02-07

Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s   Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s EmptyThu 19 Aug - 19:19

Interesting picture for sale on Ebay during August 2010.

Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s Conangava
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s   Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s EmptyFri 20 Aug - 22:41

Jesse Venturra on the Alex Jones show mentioned that Sven was Arnold's body guard thats why he's all his movies. Venturra also mentioned they filmed an ending to The Running Man where Jesse's character Captain Freedom comes down from the ceiling on a rope and saves Arnold from some security guards whom he shot dead and then all 3 of them walk away together.

*Sven also starred with Jesse in Abraxes, surprised Jesse didnt mention that, lol.
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Cassandra Gava pics from the 70s
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