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 CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections

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CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections Empty
PostSubject: CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections   CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections EmptyTue 16 Oct - 22:31

I watched CASINO ROYALE, and for some reason, CASINO ROYALE reminds me a bit of CONAN. I've tried to come up with some ideas and here are 11.


1) James Bond begins his career as a British secret service after being recruited from the Navy - Conan was a slave and a gladiator, before becoming a thief and adventurer.

2) James is a seductive womaniser and seduces Solange, the beautiful wife of criminal Alex Dimintrios - Conan seduces The Wolf Witch.

3) James and Vesper Lynd teaming up to beat Le Chiffre at Casino Royale - Conan teams up with Valeria to steel from Thulsa Doom's house and to rescue the Princess, when they are hired by King Osric.

4) James poses a card player and takes part in the card game CASINO ROYALE against professional card players - Conan was a gladiator in the arena.

5) James is tortured by Le Chiffre - Conan is tortured by Thulsa Doom's henchmen Rexor and Thorgrim before being crucified to the tree of woe.

6) Vesper saves James from a fatal death when he is poisoned - Valeria makes a deal with the gods to bring Conan back to life.

7) James and Vesper falls in love - Conan and Valeria falls in love.

8) Vesper is killed by Mr. White's henchmen - Valeria is killed by Thulsa Doom.

9) James cradles Vesper's body - Valeria dies in Conan's arms.

10) James shoots Mr. White - Conan kills Thulsa Doom.

11) James becomes the man he is - Conan becomes king.
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 572
Registration date : 2005-02-12

CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections Empty
PostSubject: Re: CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections   CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections EmptyWed 17 Oct - 16:55

Dan wrote:
1) James Bond begins his career as a British secret service after being recruited from the Navy - Conan was a slave and a gladiator, before becoming a thief and adventurer.

And... ? What's your point ? Working as a British spy equals slavery ? rabbit

Dan wrote:
2) James is a seductive womaniser and seduces Solange, the beautiful wife of criminal Alex Dimintrios - Conan seduces The Wolf Witch.

Wrong. Conan was seduced by the Wolf Witch, not the other way round.

Dan wrote:
3) James and Vesper Lynd teaming up to beat Le Chiffre at Casino Royale - Conan teams up with Valeria to steel from Thulsa Doom's house and to rescue the Princess, when they are hired by King Osric.

Conan also teamed up with Subotai to do the exact same things. What about him ? Is Subotai working for the CIA, like Felix Leiter ? Or is he a traitor like Mathis ?

Dan wrote:
4) James poses a card player and takes part in the card game CASINO ROYALE against professional card players - Conan was a gladiator in the arena.

Nothing compared. Bond already knows how to play cards. Conan was new at pitfighting.

Dan wrote:
5) James is tortured by Le Chiffre - Conan is tortured by Thulsa Doom's henchmen Rexor and Thorgrim before being crucified to the tree of woe.

Was Bond crucified ? Nope ! Did Thulsa Doom hit Conan's balls with a rope ? I don't think so...

Dan wrote:
6) Vesper saves James from a fatal death when he is poisoned - Valeria makes a deal with the gods to bring Conan back to life.

Was Vesper dressed as a walkyrie when she saved Bond ? Did the gods help her bring back Bond to life ? Nope ! rabbit

Dan wrote:
7) James and Vesper falls in love - Conan and Valeria falls in love.

Not exactly the same love affair...

Dan wrote:
Cool Vesper is killed by Mr. White's henchmen - Valeria is killed by Thulsa Doom.

Again, was Vesper shot by a snake-arrow? I don't think sooo....

Dan wrote:
9) James cradles Vesper's body - Valeria dies in Conan's arms.

Dan, in the movies, this is called a.... cliché !

Dan wrote:
10) James shoots Mr. White - Conan kills Thulsa Doom.

But did Bond really kill Mr. White ?

Dan wrote:
11) James becomes the man he is - Conan becomes king.

Is James Bond a king ?

Dan, truth to be told : I'm not convinced at all by your connections between those two movies (no matter how great they are) !!! Shit
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CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections Empty
PostSubject: Neither am i   CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections EmptyWed 17 Oct - 18:54

Neither am i
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
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CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections Empty
PostSubject: Re: CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections   CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections EmptyWed 17 Oct - 19:12

Dan wrote:
Neither am i

I dont find any similiarities, except for the fact that they both follow fairly standard movie plotlines.

* I dont like Craig and felt his Bond was to much the Superman.
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CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections Empty
PostSubject: Re: CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections   CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections EmptyThu 18 Oct - 10:36

Dan, are you sure you didn't chew Haga instead of Black Lotus ? Wink
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CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections Empty
PostSubject: Chew   CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections EmptyThu 18 Oct - 22:20

I didn't have anything to chew.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections Empty
PostSubject: Re: CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections   CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections EmptyThu 18 Oct - 22:28

Well in Oliver Stone's version you didnt have to chew. Laughing Wink
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 572
Registration date : 2005-02-12

CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections Empty
PostSubject: Re: CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections   CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections EmptyThu 18 Oct - 22:54

Dan, did you ever try connecting Conan to Star Wars instead? Just think about it...

Luke = Conan
young and innocent
his family was killed
becomes a master swordman (after some intense training)
his first confrontation with the villain is a mess
he then has to recover from his wounds
ultimately refuses to join the Dark Side

Han + Chewbacca = Subotai
friendly crook(s)
is in it for only the money... or is he, really?
Chewie uses a crossbow, Subotai a bow
saves Luke/Conan's ass many times

Leia = Valeria + The Princess
a she-warrior to love
a princess to rescue (this mission was given by an old man)
hero(es) must infiltrate a fortress to rescue her

Obi Wan Kenobi = The Master + King Osric
old man
gives the hero a sword and a mission
is killed by the main villain (or one of his henchmen)

Yoda = Asian Swordmaster from the East + The Wizard
lives in a (remote) hut
trains the hero
speaks funny
has a weird sense of humor too

Darth Vader + The Emperor = Thulsa Doom
dark father figure
can kill a man without even touching him (power of the mind)

The Death Star = The Mountain of Power

Also, the way Valeria comes from the dead as a ghost, almost like a Jedi...

viking Wink Mr. Green
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections Empty
PostSubject: Re: CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections   CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections EmptySat 20 Oct - 1:17

Razz There's a thing called "the Propp functions".

(I'm more and more sure Dan is John Millius fucking with us) Razz Mr. Green
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CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections Empty
PostSubject: Conan - James Bond   CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections EmptyThu 8 Nov - 3:14

I don't know why i am connecting CASINO ROYALE with CONAN THE BARBARIAN. Maybe it's because of CONAN bedding the beautiful women.
In CONAN, CONAN beds a terrified slave woman, the wolf witch, Valeria and the Princess.
Well, CONAN is about how CONAN becomes the man he is, and CASINO ROYALE is about how JAMES BOND becomes the man he is. They are about these character's beginnings.
James Bond's parents were killed when he was a child.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections Empty
PostSubject: Re: CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections   CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections EmptyThu 8 Nov - 3:37

Oh I dont know Dan.. I rather of had Bond's girls from that movie...

CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections Cataat8

CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections Evagreenbrara7
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CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections Empty
PostSubject: Re: CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections   CASINO ROYALE - CONAN connections Empty

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