Number of posts : 4225 Registration date : 2007-08-28
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Wed 9 Dec - 16:46
LOL, I just read that ROY THOMAS had written a script for the "Savage Sword of Conan" magazine during the 90's, a story of CONAN fighting against an ALIEN from the movies . Thomas said the comic was never made beacuse the magazine was cancelled.
jafo Guest
Subject: interesting Mon 21 Dec - 21:05
supposedly the predators taught the aztecs how to build stuff so mabey during their earliest visits to earth the practices of the incas/myans/aztec civilizations rubbed off on them. two groups can't meet without influencing one another. <<<
Flaming Turd Vanir
Number of posts : 4225 Registration date : 2007-08-28
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Mon 21 Dec - 22:59
Well, I want to say this: I hate the way the mayas, aztecs and all precolumbine cultures are seen today in popular culture. It's disgusting.
Some topics:
- Aliens tought them to build pyramids: yeah, like they were just a bunch of burrito-eating apes who couldn't count to three with their fingers, how could have they built such amazing works? Of course, Aliens helped them.... Facts like mayans were centuries more advanced on physics and mathematics than Europe these years doesn't matter. Oh, of course, Aliens tought them maths, too.
- Aztecs were just psychos: sure. They were doing human sacrifices all day long. Yep, their unique motivation was tearing hearts appart. They just loved that! One can wonder how could they have time for building such pyramids if they were so busy tearing hearts... Oh, wait, Aliens built them! Cool.
- Christianism was the best thing that could happen to these pigs: of course. Spaniards came and erradicated that scum from the Earth for good, and for good! They deserved to die. After all, they were psychos and nothing more than apes. Spanish genocides rule!
Said that, NO, I'm not from SouthAmerica and NO I don't have any Indian blood in my veins. I have blood of the fuckers who killed all these people and destroyed their culture. I'm not proud of that. And I don't believe Spain was more advanced than Aztecs or Mayans at that age. We only had boats and guns. In essence we were idiot brutes, maybe more than the Indians... and somehow we still are...
Cromulus The Destroyer Vanir
Number of posts : 1395 Localisation : Brooklyn, New York Registration date : 2007-01-22
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Tue 22 Dec - 0:06
Spielberg and Lucas hopped on that boat with Indiana Jones IV, essentially destroying the biblical aspects of the first movie and the 3rd. Its essentially now agnostic or Scientology, lol.
I dont know about the Indians, they slaughtered eachother, ate eachother and enslaved eachother. I dont all the self hate and hate on Europeans today. Soe groups in the USA attempt to target Christopher Columbus and change the holiday which is important for Italian Americans.
Flaming Turd Vanir
Number of posts : 4225 Registration date : 2007-08-28
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Tue 22 Dec - 2:38
Noone is innocent. Indians used violence as every culture in the planet used violence. Till today.
What's not fair is that Europeans from the 16th century are represented in popular culture as highly elevated, cultivated and all. On the other hand, Indians of Mexico and SouthAmerica are represented as satanistic cannibal apes. That's crap, I think.
I think Apocalypto was a great movie. I loved it. But there's nothing about the depiction of the Maya that gives something for people to stop believing Europeans made a good thing exterminating them all. Why aren't there movies about other Maya goodness? They weren't all about violence. Truth is we actually don't care that much. We like them being bad asses, and that's all. It's good, but it's just comic-book thing, not the truth at all.
I'm not in the self hate either. I just am aware we are not innocent. Columbus didn't discovered America, some cromagnons did 10.000 years ago. I think the re-discovering of America by Columbus is an important fact, thought I'm not that sure about making a celebration out of it. (Not questioning the importance of the celebration for ItalianAmericans). But It's a fact that thousands of pre-columbian cultures were exterminated, censured, and forced to become christian... This doesn't steal the importance of Columbus discovering, but that dark side shouldn't be ignored, either. That would be closer to the truth.
Of course people prefers the legend than the truth. But not me. That doesn't make me better... just a sort of pain in the ass, I guess...
Flaming Turd Vanir
Number of posts : 4225 Registration date : 2007-08-28
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Thu 21 Jan - 1:53
It's real.
Wow. Several predators at once??? Cool!!!!! How original!!!!
... Great! That guy is a so great action movie star!!!!!! Look what "tough guy" face he makes!!!!!!!
Kick-ass sets!!!!! And will look even better with the tons of fucking CGI we are gonna put on there!!!! So much pixels it will give you fucking cancer!!!!
Number of posts : 1395 Localisation : Brooklyn, New York Registration date : 2007-01-22
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Sun 24 Jan - 13:09
The actors are all shit and the movie looks low budget.
Cromulus The Destroyer Vanir
Number of posts : 1395 Localisation : Brooklyn, New York Registration date : 2007-01-22
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Sun 24 Jan - 23:57
Arnold roar seem sit was dubbed over in post production:
Movie release:
The trailer scream is much softer and more like Arnold's actual sound voice:
Flaming Turd Vanir
Number of posts : 4225 Registration date : 2007-08-28
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Sun 14 Mar - 21:06
A little preview of the unnecessary remake:
See, they are coming with some predator-like beasts that look totally like the bug from "THE RELIC"... So we'll have some "Avatar" elements here but in a more gothic-planet style. Also "King Kong" (surely the beasts will charge and try to kill the characters but Adrien Brody will always miraculous save his ass running between the legs of the beasts.
They are "updating" the Predators, that simply means they are adding more "gothic" elements to the costumes (more spines, more piercings, more blades) and in the end the only way of updating a predator would be doing something like this:
As previously said, they wanted SCHWARZENEGGER to be on the movie as the unique human character that has survived for a long time the Predators: they catched Dutch long time ago, and he's still somewhere there in the planet, hidding and building traps!!! BUT, guess what, finally HE WON'T BE IN THE MOVIE. Surprise!
Hollywood don't care for our generation, folks. This is made for teens. They just don't give a damn for us. I'll keep saying this till we are pissed enough to trip to Hollywood riding some psycho elephants and destroy all these bastards, see them driven before us and listen to the lamenations of their insecure neumatic actresses.
Flaming Turd Vanir
Number of posts : 4225 Registration date : 2007-08-28
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Mon 22 Mar - 16:23
Sorry, but... er... why the (supposedly) alien planet of the fucking Predators totally looks like a Banana Republic?
Too bad. If it had some comedy or jokes, ala Rodriguez, it could be funny to watch (even though it will totally ruin the spirit of the franchise). But since that spirit is already ruined, at least you could take this crap not seriously. But it appears to have a serious tone, with suspense and even horror touches. Sadly, if this makes you laugh won't be intentional.
At least I know that I am saving the money of this pieceof!
PD: Oh, and another positive note If Rodriguez wouldn't have done this crap, he could have shit on done "RED SONJA" instead!
Cromulus The Destroyer Vanir
Number of posts : 1395 Localisation : Brooklyn, New York Registration date : 2007-01-22
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Tue 23 Mar - 18:48
I think his name is just attached as producer, to this shit.
Predator movies stopped being good after Predator 1, although predator 2 was decent aside from the fact the lack of Arnold.
Flaming Turd Vanir
Number of posts : 4225 Registration date : 2007-08-28
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Tue 23 Mar - 21:34
Yes, I like the 2nd even though is way weaker than the 1st. P2 wasn't truly good, but at least was a movie oriented to adults.
After that, Alien Resurrection and all the AVPs are movies for teens.
AOster Turanian War Officer
Number of posts : 258 Age : 47 Localisation : Pacific NW Registration date : 2007-05-20
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Thu 25 Mar - 14:56
It's true though. With the new clash of the titans movies coming out, I was surprised how few people had seen the original. The next generation is oblivious to what they are seeing anymore. Then when you try and share it with them, they get all superior about the "cutting edge" effects of the day sucking compared to CGI. They just can't grasp the point at all.
Flaming Turd Vanir
Number of posts : 4225 Registration date : 2007-08-28
Number of posts : 1395 Localisation : Brooklyn, New York Registration date : 2007-01-22
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Tue 15 Jun - 17:37
Adrian Frody, Lawrence Fishburnt and Topher Gracie,lol. Movie is a stinker. Least that girl is nice.
Cromulus The Destroyer Vanir
Number of posts : 1395 Localisation : Brooklyn, New York Registration date : 2007-01-22
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Mon 28 Jun - 21:51
Hey Turd, that link to those images isnt working for me. The images arent showing up.
Flaming Turd Vanir
Number of posts : 4225 Registration date : 2007-08-28
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Wed 30 Jun - 17:12
Hm ,same problem here. Must be a problem of the page.
Cromulus The Destroyer Vanir
Number of posts : 1395 Localisation : Brooklyn, New York Registration date : 2007-01-22
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Tue 13 Jul - 17:49
The Predators movie was fucking stupid, saw it online. Has a cast and assorted array of shitty characters that nobody cares about. Its a bad loose remake of Predator, and some shots and scenes are nearly identical only but bad. The only decent thing was the score, it was a near complete rippoff of Alan Silvestri's score which begs the question-- why not just let him score the movie? Fucking asstards.
Fishburn is in this movie for no apparent reason, we have to assume he's been there since he was abducted outve Apocalyse Now or took the wrong pill and woke out've the Matrix and in a Mexican jungle,lol. Really there is no reason why this guy was hired and character that had no purpose in the film. One character, which is seen only as a corpse, was loosely based on Dutch(Arnold), he was a builder of the same traps.
Had this movie tried to have made any sense at all, it wouldve had another elite team of US and Russian special operative and could even throw in a drug cartel or revolutionary that get caught up in Predator blood feud and hunt and stumble upon one of their hidden pyramids or something. I mean anything is better than this they made on the cheap. This movie shouldve been straight to video or better yet, the garbage can.
Wish Rodriquez would stop trying to fuck up classics with his lame remakes and parodies--Tarrantino and him made a career out've imating older movies and other directors styles but this is just insulting. Predator 2 blows this movie out've the water 10x over.
Flaming Turd Vanir
Number of posts : 4225 Registration date : 2007-08-28
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Wed 14 Jul - 14:45
Then, just as we suspected.
And we also know the new Conan is gonna be as bad and cheap as this.
Cromulus The Destroyer wrote:
Fishburn is in this movie for no apparent reason, we have to assume he's been there since he was abducted outve Apocalyse Now or took the wrong pill and woke out've the Matrix and in a Mexican jungle,lol. Really there is no reason why this guy was hired and character that had no purpose in the film. One character, which is seen only as a corpse, was loosely based on Dutch(Arnold), he was a builder of the same traps.
Hmmm, those two characters could actually be Dutch, since originally it was planned that Dutch appeared as a character who had survived long time in the planet, and was also thought Arnold to play him, of course. Then Arnold was quickly out, so I guess they transformed his part into those two characters?
Cromulus The Destroyer wrote:
Wish Rodriquez would stop trying to fuck up classics with his lame remakes and parodies--Tarrantino and him made a career out've imating older movies and other directors styles but this is just insulting. Predator 2 blows this movie out've the water 10x over.
At least Tarantino is enjoyable.
Rodriguez is the worst of Tarantino, and nothing of the good.
"Predator 2" was a really enjoyable bad movie. :)
Cromulus The Destroyer Vanir
Number of posts : 1395 Localisation : Brooklyn, New York Registration date : 2007-01-22
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Wed 14 Jul - 20:41
Each cast member character has some sorta remake origin from some of the characters in Predator 1 and 2. if Fishburn's character was supposed to be Dutch's lame cameo part, then its a good thing he wasn't in it. Fishburn's character is useless and shows up and there for no apparent reason. Also he's deranged and psychotic. He gets killed easily besides and doesnt have large part at all.
The plot hinges around " formidable fighters from Earth and other planets for several centuries", but thats just the problem none of them have any business being there nor is it ever explain what makes them so "formidable" nor is it explained just how they choose them. Also the Predators just drop them unconscious from the sky of their alien planet with the hope that their parachutes open on time or the humans awake from the anesthetic they were given. As we are to believe that the Predators drop them with all their weapons and ammo,lol. Completely shitty plotline and characters with an atrocious casting array like I mentioned before.
Those creatures arent "hunting dogs" btw, as being popularly thrown around the net. They're more like domesticated wild boars being used as hunting dogs or whatever. Their part which is also close to what was was seen in Predator when the Predator using the boar as a diversion to get to Blaine's body and set off the traps and flush the team out. The alien boar-like creatures have a similar scene to the first movie at one point and well those creatures even have boar/pig snorts.
Flaming Turd Vanir
Number of posts : 4225 Registration date : 2007-08-28
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Thu 26 Aug - 23:35
Saw it online.
I cannot add anything else to your review, man, just my exact thoughts.
This movie was bad enough to have gone directly to video, and instead it had a great publicity as the "summer hit" and there are tons of posters all around the city.
It's a shameful movie in every sense. So shameful it's even hard to believe Looks like a script written by a fanboy who has no imagination for himself and does a story ripping off pieces of the main movie he is a fan of. The big mystery to me is, how the hell did the makers have the balls to make this???? It's so awesomely z-series that not even the worst review in the world would be exagerated! Honestly, I'm amazed of this, this is the definition of "cut-and-paste" and they aren't even hiding it.
WHY would anybody who saw the original want to see this retarded remake??? Of course: NONE. The only reason I can think of is the fact that teenagers of today deny to watch movies made before they were born. It's a retarded rule they have, please don't ask me why but it's totally true. So, I suppose the Fox thought they could make Predator again for the damn teens, since they never saw the first one, and adding a new cast for the modern times: a "kicking ass chick" for the feminist hordes, and a "skinny, ugly but yet interesting latino geek" for the retarded trash-eater geek hordes who are the only ones who will appreciate this insult to human dignity.
Somebody throw a bomb to Hollywood, dudes. It's the only way to be sure.
Cromulus The Destroyer Vanir
Number of posts : 1395 Localisation : Brooklyn, New York Registration date : 2007-01-22
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Thu 7 Oct - 20:09
I like how the Jap lasts longer than the regular "classic" Predator does against the oversized new Predator leader,lol. What was even the point of adding it to the story if it dies within seconds. There is like a big build up with some sorta heavy metal beat while its unchained and puts on its armour like we're supposed think "bad ass" and then dies likes shit,lol.
They shouldve added a regular alien on the planet to tie it to the AvP movies and Predator 2, instead they have some reptilian-like alien humanoid from Star Trek there for nothing. The whole movie was shit, fucking bi-product of fans raping the franchise thinking "how cool would this be" or "if we did the original over today we'd add more" and studio dipshits fucking over a perfectly good series for quick milking of profits.
Acedia Pictish Scout
Number of posts : 18 Registration date : 2010-07-22
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Fri 8 Oct - 2:56
Flaming Turd wrote:
"Predator 2" was a really enjoyable bad movie. :)
I love Predator, and Predator2 was right next door too it! I don't understand why many dislike the idea. It COULD have been worse.
Flaming Turd Vanir
Number of posts : 4225 Registration date : 2007-08-28
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Sun 10 Oct - 20:06
Acedia wrote:
It COULD have been worse.
It HAS been worse.
Say AvP, AvP2, and Predators.
Acedia Pictish Scout
Number of posts : 18 Registration date : 2010-07-22
Subject: Re: Pred-Alien Wed 13 Oct - 6:09
Flaming Turd wrote:
Acedia wrote:
It COULD have been worse.
It HAS been worse.
Say AvP, AvP2, and Predators.
Haha, I meant just for P2! But, I agree. AVP series = complete disrespect to the makers of their original series. If they wanted to do AVP, why not just get Ridley/Cameron/Mctiernan* to direct/produce? Whatever, it's history. They'll be rebooted in another 10 years.
I haven't seen Predators, can't hate on it... yet.