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 CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha

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3 posters
Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha Empty
PostSubject: CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha   CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha EmptyFri 23 Nov - 19:26

Its obvious this movie was bite off of CONAN, whether the books or scripts..and even art. Laughing

CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha Conand01002qo8

CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha Theswordandthesorcereril4


CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha Spadatrelam01ld5

CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha Savconjj9
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Registration date : 2007-08-28

CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha   CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha EmptyMon 26 Nov - 13:55

Ey, Cromulus, that is true! But did you know that "The sword and the sorcerer" was released BEFORE the Milius' movie?

And "The Beastmaster" was filmed before "Conan the barbarian" was released, scratch and it's amazing how many apparent relations both movies has. Some scenes look almost copied.

I've been wondering how could these movies be influenced by CTB if it was not yet released. Maybe some trolls or spies in the Millius' movie production?

Anyway you can allways assume that it just a coincidence, or maybe these topics where around the unconcious minds of everybody at these times... Who knows.
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Number of posts : 1217
Age : 54
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Registration date : 2005-09-12

CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha   CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha EmptyMon 26 Nov - 15:12

Maybe the writers of these movies had read "A Witch Shall Be Born" from wich the crucifixion scene of Conan is inspired.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha   CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha EmptyMon 26 Nov - 22:18

Milius' 2nd Draft was around since atleast June of 1980, not mention his First Draft and Stone's. I would go with Spies and even fans of the genre. The book "Beastmaster" was based off of, had nothing incommon with the film btw, so thats another clue. Laughing


CTB was originally gonna get released in December of 1981 but it got pushed back further, until finally May of 1982.
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CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha   CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha Empty

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CONAN vs Sword and the Sorcerer,haha
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