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 Rexor/ Vanir Helmet

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Rexor/ Vanir Helmet Empty
PostSubject: Rexor/ Vanir Helmet   Rexor/ Vanir Helmet EmptySat 22 Dec - 21:24

if anybody has larger images, please post them. Seems this pre-production/concept helmet made it into the movie:

(Warrior on left)
Rexor/ Vanir Helmet Conan-2
Rexor/ Vanir Helmet Rexorbq4

That leather greco-Roman style apron belt , looks very close to the one valeria wore at the Tower of the Serpent.

His chest armor looks close to Togra's:
Rexor/ Vanir Helmet Destroyer1
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