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 A beautiful and young Conan's mother

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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 114
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Registration date : 2007-01-07

A beautiful and young Conan's mother Empty
PostSubject: A beautiful and young Conan's mother   A beautiful and young Conan's mother EmptyWed 2 Jan - 19:29

A beautiful and young Conan's mother Nadiuskatc8

This is german actress Nadiuska in a beautiful picture of the 70s. Today she is a mentally ill homelss and sleeps in the benchs of the Barajas airport in Madrid.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

A beautiful and young Conan's mother Empty
PostSubject: Re: A beautiful and young Conan's mother   A beautiful and young Conan's mother EmptyWed 2 Jan - 22:18

Shocked really??

We should make a New Year collect and rescue her!!!!! Yeahhhh!

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

A beautiful and young Conan's mother Empty
PostSubject: Re: A beautiful and young Conan's mother   A beautiful and young Conan's mother EmptyThu 3 Jan - 20:19

Yes its sad!

I dont want to sound too indelicate, but not sure if you want to go near her these days.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

A beautiful and young Conan's mother Empty
PostSubject: Re: A beautiful and young Conan's mother   A beautiful and young Conan's mother EmptyThu 3 Jan - 20:37

tristme true
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A beautiful and young Conan's mother Empty
PostSubject: Conan's Mother   A beautiful and young Conan's mother EmptyMon 14 Jan - 21:53

The scene where Thulsa Doom kills Conan's mother. That scene was so sad. Still, the music was good.
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A beautiful and young Conan's mother Empty
PostSubject: Lucy Lawless   A beautiful and young Conan's mother EmptyThu 17 Jan - 4:33

I could imagine Lucy Lawless as Conan's Mother
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

A beautiful and young Conan's mother Empty
PostSubject: Re: A beautiful and young Conan's mother   A beautiful and young Conan's mother EmptyThu 17 Jan - 10:46

yeah fantastic and The Rock as Conan's dad!
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

A beautiful and young Conan's mother Empty
PostSubject: Re: A beautiful and young Conan's mother   A beautiful and young Conan's mother EmptyThu 17 Jan - 20:28

Dan... er I mean, John Milius, please... Stop fucking with us tristme

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A beautiful and young Conan's mother Empty
PostSubject: Re: A beautiful and young Conan's mother   A beautiful and young Conan's mother EmptyFri 18 Jan - 3:58

Still can't seem to get my password reset... scratch
anyway, Here is an apparent truth:

Quote :
Biography for
Valérie Quennessen

Date of Birth
3 December 1957, Paris, France

Date of Death
15 March 1989, Paris, France. (road accident)

5' 7" (1.70 m)

Mini Biography
Valerie Quennessen became an actress almost by accident. She started out performing as a child as an acrobat. She was very accomplished in this field and won an award at the age of ten. However, she hadn't seriously considered performing for a living. In her late teens, she enrolled in acting classes as therapy, to overcome severe shyness. To her surprise, she found she enjoyed it and her abilities were noted positively by others. So after briefly attending the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts et Techniques du Theatre, she left school to perform full time. She won supporting roles in various projects. Her big break was her role in French Postcards (1979) in 1978. The following year, she completed her studies and traveled to the United States to find roles in Hollywood. She won a role as a princess in Conan the Barbarian (1982), a role she accepted because she had enjoyed fairy tales as a child. She became more familiar to American audiences when she starred in Summer Lovers (1982) with Peter Gallagher and Daryl Hannah. Playing an archaeologist, she dug at an ancient find and, to everyone's surprise, found some real ancient pottery from some 3,500 years ago. The film achieved box office success, in spite of poor reviews. However, afterwards, she left Hollywood to concentrate on her family life.

In 1989, she died in a fatal automobile accident. She was 31 years old.
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Number of posts : 14916
Registration date : 2004-09-10

A beautiful and young Conan's mother Empty
PostSubject: Re: A beautiful and young Conan's mother   A beautiful and young Conan's mother EmptyFri 18 Jan - 14:52

A.Oster wrote:
Still can't seem to get my password reset... scratch

You won't be sent a password via email: you have to choose one yourself. At the moment, you don't show up on our registered (or pending registration) members list, which means your registration process was not successfully completed. The best thing to do would be to follow step-by-step the "tutorial" we did, right here:

And be sure to enter a valid email address (otherwise you won't be able get the validation email message). Wink
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

A beautiful and young Conan's mother Empty
PostSubject: Re: A beautiful and young Conan's mother   A beautiful and young Conan's mother EmptyFri 18 Jan - 17:35

Come on John Milius, you can do it. rabbit
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A beautiful and young Conan's mother Empty
PostSubject: I'm screwing anyone   A beautiful and young Conan's mother EmptyTue 7 Oct - 21:29

I'm not screwing with anyone. I do think Lucy Lawless should have a cameo in the new CONAN as Conan's mother. It's just a idea! Don't take it personally. I'm not John Milius. I'm just a young man with ideas. I'm 40 years younger than John Milius.
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