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 Conan the Destroyer SCREEN USED PROP Horn Of Azoth

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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 47
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

Conan the Destroyer SCREEN USED PROP Horn Of Azoth Empty
PostSubject: Conan the Destroyer SCREEN USED PROP Horn Of Azoth   Conan the Destroyer SCREEN USED PROP Horn Of Azoth EmptyWed 30 Jan - 7:07

Not mine but neat
Quote :

Here is something remarkable, the one and only HORN OF AZOTH, the key hero prop, screen used in the Schwarzenegger film CONAN THE DESTROYER. This is the horn that young Olivia d'Abo places on the statue and it gets transformed into the giant Dagoth creature. Carlo Rambadi created this horn and the dagoth creature for the film. There are some missing jewels in the piece but it is in remarkable shape. Comes with display frame as it was displayed in Rambadi's studio. Here is a rare chance to own a piece of movie history!
This item was aquired from Carlo Rambaldi's team member Paolo Scipione, it is among a number of incredibly rare items that are in my auctions that include items from Alien, ET, Conan and King Kong. Carlo Rambaldi won three Academy Awards for his work on ET, Alien and 1976 KING KONG. Look at my other auctions for photos, drawings and artwork from the master Carlo Rambaldi. A COA will be provided with this item.
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Conan the Destroyer SCREEN USED PROP Horn Of Azoth
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