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 "Go ahead, make my day" by Milius or not?

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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

"Go ahead, make my day" by Milius or not? Empty
PostSubject: "Go ahead, make my day" by Milius or not?   "Go ahead, make my day" by Milius or not? EmptyThu 25 Sep - 16:05

Guys, do you know if Milius was the one who wrotte "GO AHEAD, MAKE MY DAY" line in "Sudden Impact"?

Some sources claim he was the author but some others say he wasn't and it was just an urban legend...

Milius wrotte for the 1st DIRTY HARRY and 2nd, MAGNUM FORCE though. Was he in the 3rd also?
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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"Go ahead, make my day" by Milius or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Go ahead, make my day" by Milius or not?   "Go ahead, make my day" by Milius or not? EmptyThu 25 Sep - 16:51

Well, if the catches phrases were used in either Milius written film however slightly reworked or shortened, the logical explanation is that he wrote it/originated it. But I dont know if he ghost wrote some lines or worked on the script its possible.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

"Go ahead, make my day" by Milius or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Go ahead, make my day" by Milius or not?   "Go ahead, make my day" by Milius or not? EmptyFri 3 Oct - 19:39

As long as I remember the line was specifically used in "Sudden Impact" which was I think the 4th one. It wasn't used before.

The 1st one, "Dirty Harry", had this famopus one written by MILIUS:
Quote :
"Do you feel lucky, punk?"

Then the 2nd one, "Magnum Force", didn't had any special line of that kind, though the sript was entirely by MILIUS and included a lot of punchlines.

The line in the 4th, "Go ahead make my day", is supposedly by Milius though he is not in the credits at all I think.
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"Go ahead, make my day" by Milius or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Go ahead, make my day" by Milius or not?   "Go ahead, make my day" by Milius or not? Empty

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"Go ahead, make my day" by Milius or not?
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