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 Valeria and the un-named Female Gladiator

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Valeria and the un-named Female Gladiator Empty
PostSubject: Valeria and the un-named Female Gladiator   Valeria and the un-named Female Gladiator EmptyTue 28 Oct - 1:05

I was wondering and recognizing over how the descriptions were reversed for the final movie between Valeria(who was a pitfighter though curiously unseen in combat in any of the scripts although filmed and photo shoots depict her in garb and possibly action) and with Sarolo's unamed Female Gladiator part. Sarolo also seemed more like a last minute replacement than anything else, as she was just a secretary.

We know both Anne Reinking was heavily pushed by Bob Fosse, despite Sandalh Bergman also being considered.

Descriptions are more or less the same through all the scripts:

Un-named Female Gladiator:

Quote :
"A beautiful blond woman fighter. The woman is huge, taller than Conan, but lithe and graceful, dressed in furs and iron she exudes deadly sensuality."

That sounds like Sandalh there.


Quote :
"graceful muscular thigh ,sensuous hips and long dark hair."

That description is more like a Ann Reinking I suppose.


*Stone's Script description of Valeria is:
Quote :

Blond Woman, beautiful, dangerous silent, samurai and green-eyed.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Valeria and the un-named Female Gladiator Empty
PostSubject: Re: Valeria and the un-named Female Gladiator   Valeria and the un-named Female Gladiator EmptyTue 28 Oct - 1:32

The Prevue Magazine seems based on the Milius first Draft, but yet its not. Nearest I can figure its some early version or alternate, as its a mingling of the Meeting At The Tower of the Serpent and the Love Yurt scenes of the 1st-3rd Drafts of the normal scripts. Of interest also is that Valeria is described as a red head(or auburn haired) tigress. Which makes her closer to Red Sonja.

Quote :
The leopard purrs and shifts its position, Subotai looks up. Conan's eyes widen. A beautiful woman's leg can bee seen coming from a shadow beneath the pillar, slowly, gracefully bent with a practiced stealth. The creature emerges from the shadows--a fantastic blend of total sexuality and languid danger. A face of a uncompromised beauty and ferocity. A tigress-body to match Conan's ---Masterpiece. She wears a gleaming sword and dirk as well breastplates that accentuate her curves.

You seek Steel barbarian? You carry it already. Where did you obtain it?

From the dead--same as you.

I have heard you know how to wield it. Where did you learn?

In the pit

He shows the marks of the collar on his neck. She leans against the pillar, runs her hands through reddish-brown hair--the same collar marks n her neck. She smiles.

I am Valeria--Leader of brigands.

Conan--Slayer of men.

Subotai theif and archer.
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Valeria and the un-named Female Gladiator
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