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 Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds

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Cromulus The Destroyer
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Rider of Doom

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Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptyFri 13 Feb - 8:26

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds

Check the photo in high resolution:
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Number of posts : 14916
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Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptyFri 13 Feb - 8:33

Shocked great find Octopus' , thanx! thumleft
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptyFri 13 Feb - 13:42

Yeah cool! Thats a solid rare piece and find, namely to see Sven without his silly wig on the set of CONAN.
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Rider of Doom

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Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptyFri 13 Feb - 16:19

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds
Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds
Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds
Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds

Take it easy!
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptyFri 13 Feb - 20:11

Does anybody recognize the image on Milius' T-shirt, in the second one?

Excellent finds, Octopus, thank you for sharing.
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Number of posts : 14916
Registration date : 2004-09-10

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptyFri 13 Feb - 22:13


Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Insigne_de_b%C3%A9ret_Parachutiste_m%C3%A9tro_et_l%C3%A9gion

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Conanan7
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Rider of Doom

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Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptyFri 13 Feb - 23:27

AMAZING photos. Big thanks! :megaking:
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptySat 14 Feb - 1:23

Good group shot, shows Arnold being closer to 5'10" and Sven being maybe 1-2 inches taller than Arnold, Gerry Lopez's size difference isnt as big as its seen in the movie either. Davidon doesnt look very enormous either, especially with Milius being listed as 5'11" and they are all in boots with heels so.. .
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptySat 14 Feb - 7:43

Protoplasme wrote:

Highly interesting in many ways! Thanks Wink

Gerry looks in excellent shape, excellent sidekick for Arnold for sure. My god, such an arm, is like Lope'z entire broad, lol. I wonder why Arnold's real hair wasn't that long, why didn't he just let it naturally grow? scratch And who is the short guy at left, who looks to all these people like thinking: "bah, I could kick their asses if I really wanted to" Razz
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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 114
Localisation : Spain
Registration date : 2007-01-07

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptySat 14 Feb - 15:23

The little old man may be the spanish extra José Galera "El Habichuela". I'm not sure.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Registration date : 2007-08-28

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptyWed 18 Feb - 13:23

Protoplasme wrote:
Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Insigne_de_b%C3%A9ret_Parachutiste_m%C3%A9tro_et_l%C3%A9gion

Milius compared his relationship with producer Dino de Laurentiis during filming "Conan" with being in the French Foreign Legion... He said that he felt like he was a good German soldier with a bad French boss.


Last edited by Flaming Turd on Wed 6 May - 5:03; edited 3 times in total
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Turanian War Officer

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Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptySun 22 Feb - 20:54

Here I always thought he grew his hair for the part as a type of dedication... Confused Oh, well..
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Registration date : 2007-08-28

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptyMon 23 Feb - 12:54

Yeah, me too... And his hair already was pretty long, he only would have need 3 or 4 months, dunno
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
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Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptySun 1 Mar - 5:45

Yeah simply hair extensions. The longest he had his hair was scene throughout the 70's and that 1980 Olympia which he took a break from CONAN and did that. Last time he had it like that was in 1984's TERMINATOR, then it was burnt off in the film and he gets his sort and spiked hair which has pretty much remained the same ever since.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Registration date : 2007-08-28

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptySun 8 Mar - 16:34

His real hair, I guess:

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Arnold2

What I wonder if also are that real are another couple of things. bounz
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Registration date : 2007-08-28

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptySun 8 Mar - 17:14

Again, this looks like his real hair

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds 522145477_d991c9718c
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptyFri 13 Mar - 6:20

Another pic with long hair

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Friends_arnold16

Not so long hair this time -(this one must be probably from 1978 or 1979, previous to his training for Mr.Olympia 1980... That is while the movie is totally in pre-production). So one wonders why the guy just couldn't let his own hair grow for the part. scratch
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptyFri 13 Mar - 6:50

Some more

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Mg179

mongol Subotai's way

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Ar83
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptyWed 6 May - 4:59

In an interview Milius said that after the totally negative critics BIG WEDNESDAY received, he serioulsy thought about joining the French Foreign Legion.

Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Insigne_de_b%C3%A9ret_Parachutiste_m%C3%A9tro_et_l%C3%A9gion

But he didn't. Razz
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Pictish Scout

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Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds EmptyThu 7 May - 14:19

Quote :
Good group shot, shows Arnold being closer to 5'10" and Sven being maybe 1-2 inches taller than Arnold, Gerry Lopez's size difference isnt as big as its seen in the movie either. Davidon doesnt look very enormous either, especially with Milius being listed as 5'11" and they are all in boots with heels so.. .
What? Are you serious?
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PostSubject: Re: Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds   Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds Empty

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Schwarzenegger and Albert Busek filming on the mounds
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