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 Arnold and Conan, old memories

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Rider of Doom

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Registration date : 2007-01-07

Arnold and Conan, old memories Empty
PostSubject: Arnold and Conan, old memories   Arnold and Conan, old memories EmptyFri 6 Mar - 23:00

Arnold and Conan, old memories Arnold and Conan, old memories Arnold and Conan, old memories
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Arnold and Conan, old memories Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnold and Conan, old memories   Arnold and Conan, old memories EmptySat 7 Mar - 3:27

Thanks for sharing, great finds.

The second poster is highly interesting, it features a shield and an axe taken from other versions of Casaro, and taken from Boris Vallejo art:
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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Registration date : 2007-01-22

Arnold and Conan, old memories Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnold and Conan, old memories   Arnold and Conan, old memories EmptySat 7 Mar - 10:39

Yeah, they sell those on EBAY. I have a smaller version of that exact one, they were used movie theaters and video stores.
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2009-03-11

Arnold and Conan, old memories Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnold and Conan, old memories   Arnold and Conan, old memories EmptyWed 11 Mar - 11:31

Does anyone know how Arnold feels about "Conan" now? Is he proud of it, or does he mention it nowadays?
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Arnold and Conan, old memories Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnold and Conan, old memories   Arnold and Conan, old memories EmptyWed 11 Mar - 16:21

Proud of it and even mentions the movie and Milius in his political life. He very often uses something Milius told him: "Pain is temporal, but the movie is eternal" or something like that.

Also check out his:

I think he knows it was his best acting role ever. Watch the DVD with the audiocommentary, also.

Apparently he isn't ashamed of THE DESTROYER that much, maybe for commercial reasons because even though the movie was awful, it was his second major role and that very same year he did TERMINATOR so his career was going pretty well. Tough in the DVD of CTB he tells Milius "i'm still waiting for you to make the second one", like he knows THE DESTROYER was bad... But it's really Milius who hates THE DESTROYER more than Arnold.

The one Arnold really hates is RED SONJA, but I think his work there is less bad than in THE DESTROYER... But he hates that movie mostly because he was kinda forced to do it, and plus he was a secondary character... But I really believe Arnold has made much worse movies than RED SONJA.
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