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 Some things I noticed

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Some things I noticed Empty
PostSubject: Some things I noticed   Some things I noticed EmptyTue 7 Apr - 2:36

The scene with the star and the holy man looking up at it from Heston's "Ben Hur" was re-used in "Masters of the Universe, this time with He-Man looking up at the hologram of Skeletor. "The King of Kings" had a battle against the Romans at area of giant boulders with lots of spears, which reminded me of the Battle of the Mounds. In "Moonraker" when Drax lets his dogs out to kill the woman in the woods, it reminds me of the Vanir raid and death of Conan's father, same type of lighting through the trees from the sun as well,lol.
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Some things I noticed
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