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 Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand

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3 posters
Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 47
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand Empty
PostSubject: Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand   Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand EmptyFri 8 Feb - 4:20

I'd love to display my jade cult of set neclace against the same patterned cloth as the movie. Anyone have a clean picture of the design that I could use to print out a good replica? I know I can find some 8.5x11 cloth to print on, or I could silk screen it. However i don't have a clean image to work with, and I have all the artistic tallent of a group of colorblind hedgehogs... in a bag.

Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand Snakebackground

The other thing I have pondered is a suitable stand for my Eye of the serpent. I'd like one as exact as possible, but even if I have to kit bash something after market, I might be persuaded.

Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand Eyeoftheserpentaf0

Any ideas along these lines would be most helpfull.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand   Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand EmptyTue 12 Feb - 17:00

AOster wrote:
I'd like one as exact as possible.

Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand Eyeoftheserpentaf0

Buy an anaconda and feed it with 70 or 80 rabbits each morning. Wink
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand   Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand EmptyTue 12 Feb - 17:55

One thing that maybe could help you is that all the designs including the artifacts in the Temple of Serpent have an "art-nouveau" style. You will find some comparisons in the pages of the "historical art and symbolism" thread.

I find the stand of the jewel like some kind of metallic-maybe iron-, "art nouveau" object" pretty close to these two pictures:

These are real historical pieces from museums or private collectors

Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand 0388xw3

Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand 6386edgarbrandtserpentwec7

In Salamanca (Spain) there is an Art-Nouveau museum, very interesting. You will find lots of similarities with Ron Cobb and William Stout style.

You can watch some of the objects here:

Of course, man, authentic "art nouveau" objects would be really expensive and hard to find, but if you are open to spend some money and make a search, maybe you could find some nice serpent motifs like these two made in iron.

And maybe you can find some cheap reproduction or something, I don't know. You can even order it to be built in some jewels shop, or in some art shop.

Also, take a look in some antiques shop, and maybe you can find some iron serpents. In Spain these shops are very common in some cities, I don't know in your country.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand   Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand EmptyTue 12 Feb - 18:18

Maybe take a pottery class or do it on your own on your at home and sculpt some things.
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 47
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand   Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand EmptyTue 12 Feb - 18:27

Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand 88ee_12

I found that for about $60, but if mouth is closed. Confused I was thinking that I could try my hand at casting, but I'm worried about my ability there.
I figured if I could just find one decently shaped snake, I could cast the others.

Since I was only looking for the central gem stand, I thought I could find something close, but for the pattern, i wish I was even 1/100 the artist I'm not. Its pretty basic, but I suck at stick figures so.....
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand   Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand EmptyFri 15 Feb - 2:06

The serpent looks very nice. And it's not as expensive as I thought. Anyway, keep searching I wish you good luck! thumleft
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 47
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand   Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand EmptyFri 15 Feb - 2:36

Well, I can't afford to bid war on it, so here you go:
I totally want it, but I'm too poor and don't really need a pocket watch stand.

approximately US $19.60 and same for shipping. 1 bid on it, so it could end up being $100.
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Two things I want to find. Banner and serpent stand Empty
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