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 Eye of the serpent

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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2009-04-22

Eye of the serpent Empty
PostSubject: Eye of the serpent   Eye of the serpent EmptyWed 22 Apr - 11:28


I was wondering if anyone knew what color that stone was in the movie.
The color changed depending on the lighting.
The color appears very light purple. to pink to clear.....

Does anyone know what the script called out for it to be?
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Eye of the serpent Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eye of the serpent   Eye of the serpent EmptyWed 22 Apr - 11:50

Blood red. Think of the size and apparence of a human heart.

The inspiration came from the Robert Howard tale TOWER OF THE ELEPHANT. Conan takes a heart and squishes it over a transparent jewel, wich takes the colour of the blood.

Is also a nice symbol (human heart) when he gives it to Valeria, I guess
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2009-04-22

Eye of the serpent Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eye of the serpent   Eye of the serpent EmptyWed 22 Apr - 14:04


Can anyone grab some clear screen shots from the movie?

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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 47
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

Eye of the serpent Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eye of the serpent   Eye of the serpent EmptyWed 22 Apr - 15:54

Eye of the serpent 91dea652
Eye of the serpent Eyeoftheserpent
Only shots I have are of my prop copy.
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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 129
Age : 55
Localisation : Off-world Colonies (FL)
Registration date : 2007-05-11

Eye of the serpent Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eye of the serpent   Eye of the serpent EmptyWed 22 Apr - 22:40

However, the stone used through MOST of the film was, in fact, CLEAR with some red muddling in the center (in the first screen-capture, the prevalent red color in the 'Eye' is refraction/magnification of the color of the ruby on the table behind it). Additionally, in most of the scenes you can see the color of the actor's skin right through the stone:

Eye of the serpent Eos01
Eye of the serpent Eos02
Eye of the serpent Eos03
Eye of the serpent Eos04
Eye of the serpent Eos05
Eye of the serpent Eos06
Eye of the serpent Eos07
Eye of the serpent Eos08
Eye of the serpent Eos09
Eye of the serpent Eos10
Eye of the serpent Eos11
Eye of the serpent Eos12
Eye of the serpent Eos13
Eye of the serpent Eos14
Eye of the serpent Eos15
Eye of the serpent Eos16
Eye of the serpent Eos17

You can even see the clear color in this production still used for the cover of a Starlog magazine:

Eye of the serpent Starlog59c1

It's my opinion that the red color (visible when the jewel is first shown on-screen, in the Tower of the Serpent) is a trick of the lighting. Even Conan appears red as he approached the Eye of the Serpent.

Having said that, it's common practice to use more than one prop to represent a single object on film. In fact, in the 12th screencap above (the one of Valeria leaning over the wrapped-up Conan at the mounds), the 'Eye' (viewed from it's side) appears to be carved & faceted like one might expect a diamond to be.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
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Eye of the serpent Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eye of the serpent   Eye of the serpent EmptyWed 22 Apr - 23:16

It was a very cheap and last minute makeshift prop and really not one of the better pieces in the film. Cobb I think goes into some detail over its creation in some mag article somewhere.

The Horn of Dagoth is actually probably one of the better talisman props in the CONAN movies, very well made.
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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 129
Age : 55
Localisation : Off-world Colonies (FL)
Registration date : 2007-05-11

Eye of the serpent Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eye of the serpent   Eye of the serpent EmptyWed 22 Apr - 23:29

Cromulus The Destroyer wrote:
It was a very cheap and last minute makeshift prop and really not one of the better pieces in the film. Cobb I think goes into some detail over its creation in some mag article somewhere.
If I recall correctly, in one of the special features on the DVD, Ron Cobb states that they had a very intricate jewel created for the prop, which promptly got stolen. So they went to a local gift shop & bought one of those art deco crystal paper-weights & had someone do a quick job of reshaping it on a jewler's wheel.
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2009-04-22

Eye of the serpent Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eye of the serpent   Eye of the serpent EmptyThu 23 Apr - 3:01

Thanks guys.
Very interesting. I also want to say thanks for the great replies.
I look forward to being part of this forum.

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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 47
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

Eye of the serpent Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eye of the serpent   Eye of the serpent EmptyThu 23 Apr - 3:26

Great responses guys! I would love to see a shot of the prop off screen as well. I wonder if it was indeed to have had an "eye" quality to it that we just never get to see. I understand the facts of the case, but I'd love to see Cobb's intentions.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Eye of the serpent Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eye of the serpent   Eye of the serpent EmptyFri 24 Apr - 2:44

OK, it is in the Cinefantasque issue #12:

Quote :
The Eye of the Serpent was actually a purple paperweight, a prop gem that Ron Cobb considered a major disappointment. "It was a disaster," said Cobb. "Originally I drew up exactly how I wanted the jewel to look. I consulted with Milius on this we both decided how we wanted it. We were very detailed about it. I then gave the designs to Nick Adler, but techinque after technique failed to produce anything that looked good. They were terrible. We were getting close to shooting and Milius didnt like them either. I thought I could rely on the wonderful, fantastic plastic and all that, but --nothing. So I launched an emergency trip all over Madrid, trying to find something. We went all over the place. jewelers, chandelier makers, everywhere.

'Finially, i said, Christ, waht about paperweights? Raffaella De Laurentiis promptly found this paperweight shop, I dont know how. She bought this ghaslty purple thing and Milius decided to use it. We changed it into an egg shaped thing, drilled a hole in it and added fiber optics. It glows on you, I suppose. But basically I miscalculated the kind of work you can get from the effects department. It should have been a very important prop."

Peter Kuran's VCE company was called-in to provide postproduction animated effects around the jewel, enhancing the gem's luster with hypnotic glow.
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 47
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

Eye of the serpent Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eye of the serpent   Eye of the serpent EmptyFri 24 Apr - 5:18


Thanks for the info though!
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 47
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

Eye of the serpent Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eye of the serpent   Eye of the serpent EmptyFri 8 Feb - 17:49

I've been looking at those waterford crystal eggs for a while... anyone know what would happen o the color and structure if you ground the facets into true flat facets? How about recoloring it red? Anyone know how to color crystal?
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 47
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

Eye of the serpent Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eye of the serpent   Eye of the serpent EmptyFri 15 Feb - 3:31

Well I broke down and snagged one cheap. Now to maybe train myself in resin casting and track down a rubber rattlesnake to mold. I figure three of them and a central hub, and I can make the stand for the movie. I'm also thinking about how to rig an LED in the crystal so that when it's placed on the stand it grounds and lights up. I figure I'll need to drill the crystal, run wires through one of the snakes, and make it's tongue the leads for the LED. Or I'll just find some nail polish that I can use to turn this red. Still going to work on the stand at some point.
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