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 Arnie in Terminator Salvation?

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Pit Fighter

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Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptyMon 27 Apr - 3:36

There's some online chatter on other sites that Arnold may have a cameo in the new Terminator flick. There is speculation that his face may simply be morphed in via CGI somewhere...

I thought perhaps he might reprise his role as Sargeant Candy from the T3 dvd easter egg...

here's a link...

heh, heh...
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptyMon 27 Apr - 23:49

Oh my god that video is gorgeous!!!!! Laughing

Was that a deleted scene from T3??? Shit, definitely should have included it, it alone is way better than the whole movie. Mr. Green

See as far as I know he won't really do any cameo, they will only put his face over Roland Kickinger's face -the guy who played as the governator in his biopic SEE AHNULD RUN, I totally dislike that man as an actor. Sure Arnold never was Marlon Brando but definitely had a charisma which Kickinger hasn't-.

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? T64860mjwde

I am not sure this is truly official, but I found this once as the work they are doing for the movie. See, something like they did with THE CROW...

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? ArnoldTS

Though, it looks kinda cheesy to me... I mean, c'mon there are thousand of pictures from that time of Arnold, why they had to use a screenshot from T1 ???? scratch

And i'm not really sure what kind of terminator would this "Arnold" be... Apparently the movie will feature older versions like this one, the T-600 which had rubber skin and was fucking big, easy to recognize as a droid fecae to face, but hard to recognize in long distances... With a rubber skin, I doubt this one would be played by an actor...

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Terminatorsalvationt600art

Then I know there are infiltration units (T-700) with human manners built to fake and kill... Still I doubt Kickinger/Arnold would be this one.

I imagine Kickinger/Arnold terminator will be a genuine T-800 model that will appear somehow... But i'm not sure.

I have my hopes in this new movie, but I only hope it to be entertaining -somtehing that T3 wasn't for me-. I don't spect a true good film, but if it's entertaining it's ok for me. But i've seen some trailers and they stole things from the TRANSFORMERS movie... I just wonder, why the fuck ???? Laughing Was that really necessary??? Well.... Looks like today they can't do a fantasy movie without stealing things from other contmporary movies, which imo is highly stupid. You can steal ideas from old pics, allright, maybe the audience wouldn't remember or recognize them but, ripping-off TRANSFORMERS??? Same with 300, over and over again the same movie...... Does anybody heard about the world "originality", does anybody remember it used to be a good thing to make the audience feel good?? Laughing Dunno, each day I understand Hollywood less and less

Btw, while shooting a scene Bale got serioulsy pissed off with the guy of the light:

Now become a motherfucking classic Mr. Green :

NO FUCK NO !!!! disco

Last edited by Flaming Turd on Tue 28 Apr - 10:47; edited 1 time in total
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptyTue 28 Apr - 2:28

I think you will love this: Mr. Green


And this:

And totally that episode of DRAWN TOGETHER (3x02) where the spongebob character makes a tv program for children and turn gay the new entire generation, who grow up and destroys the world, therefore the last hetero survival rebels send back Ahnuld-800 to the past to kill spongebob and avoid the apocalypsis Laughing Laughing Laughing

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Z-15

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Zz-7

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Zzz-5

They even draw his separated incisors rabbit Razz

Oh, and the Terminator tells a joke -to show he isn't gay- Laughing :

What's the difference between a terrorist and a menstruating woman?


You can negotiate with the terrorist.

Cool Mr. Green Laughing
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptyThu 14 May - 18:26

Well, I think finally I have found a real image of the Arnold apparition in TERMINATOR4:

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Terminatorsalvationt-800_Arumor

In theory, it's Kickinger's boy with Ahnuld's face digitally added.

Looks really great imo rabbit (we'll see how it moves...)
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptyThu 14 May - 22:02

I hope they dont do that. I'd much prefer it they just used that other guy and not add Arnold face..that is just a awful thing.

I mean they couldve used his real body if that is the entire point.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptySat 16 May - 2:38

Interview with Roland on T4:
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptySat 16 May - 3:24


Shocked my god, what a shitty interview. He didn't answer any fucking question, just one line only, playing Mr. Obvious lol

-How did you prepared the terminator character?

-I prepared it.

-What is exactly the difference between the previous terminator and the one you play in this new movie?

-The difference is a thing.

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptySat 16 May - 5:32

Come on Turd, give the big guy a break, because remember, he "shredded" for the role and xenadrine is his secret weapon(now go buy it now with Pay Pal).
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptySat 16 May - 10:35

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptySat 16 May - 19:51

Their running an article on cut scenes, but if you click on properties of the mini-gun and T-800 feet image, it says Roland. So I wonder how much of a part he gets or he's just being used for the body of Arnold's digitized face,lol. Well probably both.

Honestly I think Franco Columbu played the best Terminator in T1, wiped people out with the .50 caliber and had one of the best intro's. hahaha.

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? 500full-franco-columbu
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptySun 17 May - 2:18

That Columbo scene was excellent, really scary. Also had more sense, these days, that each Terminator was a different guy as they are supposedly used for infiltration, so why the fuck would you make two thousand Ahnulds ??? (If i'm not wrong, Kyle Reese didn't knew who the Terminator was before he tried to kill Sarah). The second movie, as good as it was, spoiled the whole concept. Also the fact that "nothing that is not alive can travel through time", that's ok when the endoeskeleton of the T-800 is covered with living flesh, but liquid metal isn't fucking alive, isn't it ???

The second movie, everyone's favourite, doesn't really work for me today... I pretty much prefer the first one, which is really scary at certain moments, closer to a atmospherical/surrealistic horror movie than the fx festival with kid-friendly touches of T2.

T3 was just a shameless T2 rip-off (and a bad one) and nothing more tristme
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptySat 23 May - 4:37

T4 was very good, but not great. The DVD hopefully will include an R-rated picture. The CGI Arnold was strange for a few seconds you see the face, not really needed. Also Bale's character doesnt seem to recognize Arnold's face, which I suspect was due to them not knowing if Arnold wouldve agreed, was probably a surprise that he agreed. He seems to hate the Terminators without exception(you can see this in his reactions to Marcus), but this is at odds with is friendship and liking he took to the Arnold series,lol.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptySun 7 Jun - 18:43

Saw the film, I agree with Cromulus. Though I would say it's very good only sometimes, the rest is bad. The good moments are worthy, anyway.

The bad is because the script I think. While they luckily didn't ripped off the same storyline again (a robot tries to kill a target and the heroes tries to prevent it........) which would have been lame, they didn't got it right imo. Intead of a new "The Terminator" rip off (like T2 and T3 simply were) this time the movie is a several movies scenes rip offs. Say, while watching it it was too damn easy recognize another movie in each scene... Say Transformers, Blade Runner, and too badly the old Terminator movies (specially the fights between Connor and the T-800, a "cust and paste" sequence with "homages" to T1 and T2).

Poorly, because the terminator are less deadly now. Same as happened with the ALIEN sequels, when just one fucker was enough to kill a dozen persons, now a lot of them are so easily killed???? C'mon... In the 3 first movies, if the terminator grabs you, you are dead FOR SO SURE!! Don't fucking let it touch you!!! In TERMINATOR SALVATION the terminators stupidly enjoys grabbing people and throwing them away again and again... It's like HEY YOU FUCKING TIN ASS, TERMINATE YOUR WORK!!! Laughing Why throwing your target away, when you already got it??? Laughing Laughing And all these biggerthanlife punches and hits are ok when 2 terminators are fighting, but John Connor is a fucking human, and they are imitating the T-1000 vs the T-800 fighting coreography again and again...

Shit. Mad

The ARNOLD apparition I think it was absolutely unnecesary, though the script was already so bad it didn't truly hurt it. I kinda liked it, indeed, even knowing it wasn't really him. Curiously enough, the whole audience cheered when he appeared. I kinda smiled, It was good to see him back, he really belongs there... I was really wondering wtf did they needed Kickinger... ??? The body also looked cgi made... scratch And i also understood why the Kickinger guy told so few about his "terminator interpretation" LOL!

Besides, totally agree with you Cromulus about Connor not recognizing Arnold or all his robot-racism thing... I truly believe the script writters were sort of ignoring T2 and T3 and just making a sequel of T1.

Overall, I enjoyed the movie and i'm glad I came to watch it. First time the title appeared in the screen and the terminator theme sounded in the room (excellent sound) I found myself shaking in excitement rabbit . The terminators and robots looked VERY good. Excellent cgi effects (though i'm not truly a fan of those).

The script is my only true complaining. They need to hire good writters for future sequels, the first movies had an excellent narrative idea which made the action flow like heaven, this time was like "too many things to say and nothing in the end...."
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptyMon 8 Jun - 0:33

Why didnt they just use Arnold's body from T3? He surprisingly managed to looked great in that, but they didnt concentrate on his body which am a bit surprised of. Arnold mustve really mellowed out alot since 84, because the old Arnold he wouldve loved to have long shots of body along with close ups. Honestly, T2 teaser trailer is the only time T1 was ever recaptured in all its glory, T2 was a major let down for me when I saw it. To this day I watch that teaser endlessly and even love that theme song. But Arnold never kept that bulk he had for T1, which is realistically hard to do when you get older.

I wouldve just had Arnold walking off the assembly line like he owns the place and behind him other model T-800's and ending the movie with, "I'll be Back" and the red eyes.LOL

Bale nearly plays the same character he did "Reign of Fire" but just more harder-edged and with better guns and equipment,lol . The Marcus stuff was just adding a T-800 good guy Arnold to the series as a replacement, but am unsure of he lived or died at the end of T4.

Kinkinger didnt move like Arnold at all either, was just a generic wrestler type and came off weak. The T-800 skeleton itself somehow had to be the toughest one of the series, go figure,lol.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptyMon 8 Jun - 12:06

Cromulus The Destroyer wrote:
Why didnt they just use Arnold's body from T3? He surprisingly managed to looked great in that, but they didnt concentrate on his body which am a bit surprised of. Arnold mustve really mellowed out alot since 84, because the old Arnold he wouldve loved to have long shots of body along with close ups.

Yep, it's true. But i wonder the same about T2... All his fat had dissapeared in that time, his building was very different than he had in 1984, sure, BUT still was impressive... Guess they didn't wanted him to look too different as they are manufactured but... hey, his haircut was totally different, so why worry about the different building?

I feel the really good one is the first one, I know i'm into topycal land Razz but i find it worked amazingly well even being low-budget. The storyline was catchy as it involved revealing little by little the nature of the terminator... Also, the surreal atmosphere was truly well done (some kind of sci-fi mixed with horror) and it made the concept work even better...

The second one was amazingly well done, but some how the kid-friendly touches hurted it... I think T1 didn't truly needed any sequel at all...

It was very interesting to know about the choose of Arnold in T1 as he was initially going to play Kyle Reese. Cameron knew Arnold because of CONAN THE BARBARIAN. So, he would have been the good guy, a warrior from a post-apocaliptic future (which brings me Oliver Stone's Conan to mind). Cameron didn't wanted Arnold at all, he was kinda forced by the producers, and the bad robot guy was initially going to be played by Lance Herkinsen.

It was 1983 and Cameron had to wait because Arnold belonged to Delaurentiis until he finished CONAN THE DESTROYER. (So, while waiting for Arnold, Cameron wrotte ALIENS).

Then ARNOLD and CAMERON met again and Arnold ended playing the cyborg. it was kinda risky, as Arnold was a growing star and he "should" be playing only heroes but they were truly convinced that playing the bad guy this time would be even better for him. Fuck it truly was Cool

Henriksen ended playing a cop, but he finally played a robot in Camero's ALIENS a year after. His Terminator portrayal would have been truly amazing, kinda similar to Patrick's T-1000, sort of a praying-mantis scary and cold attitude (he said he studied and imitated the insect).

The begginning of T1 is excellent (Arnold's arrival)... Kinda feels like the Conan of the pitfighter days arrives to the 20th century... He was hyper-bulked but somehow he looked better (and healthier) than in CONAN THE DESTROYER which he made some months ago... I guess the fact he didn't truly needed to express too much helped.

While the only difference is he came from the future instead from the past, the T1 was a sort of "barbarian in modern city" concept movie, "Conan in New York" if you prefer, like "Beastmater 2", "Masters of the Universe", and so.

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? 5a5be338330048

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? 969db238330050

PD: Oh, btw, why they changed so much the future in T4? Wasn't they supposed to have LASER weapons?
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptyWed 10 Jun - 19:29

Dont know, but the Darkhorse comic from '89/1990 was superior to T2,imo.

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Terminator
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptyThu 11 Jun - 1:45

Yep, agree.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptyWed 17 Jun - 23:39


Arnie in Terminator Salvation? 31331a39378056 Arnie in Terminator Salvation? E47e7539378055
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptySat 20 Jun - 4:14

There's a rumor about Kickinger negotiating with Lionsgate & Nu Image/Milenium to be the chosen actor to play CONAN.

I am pretty sure the guy would LOVE to. I mean, he truly WANTS to be Arnold. He absolutely was, in the biopic "SEE ARNOLD RUN" and again was in "TERMINATOR 4" and again was in this pic (is it from a movie or what scratch ) in a "mine is biggah than yours, raaaagh!!" pose Mr. Green

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Roland_kickinger_terminator_c

This site says the rumor is totally bull:

I hope it is, I mean, I KNOW BY FACT this movie (if made) is gonna be very bad, but please let me at least enjoy it with a good actor I like to watch doing his job (like the SOLOMON KANE is apparently gonna be). Kickinger has balls no doubt, you do need them to built a body like that, but, man, he needs YEARS to become a not bad actor.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptySun 28 Jun - 6:35

Mr. Green

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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptySun 2 Aug - 16:58

Flaming Turd wrote:
And totally that episode of DRAWN TOGETHER (3x02) where the spongebob character makes a tv program for children and turn gay the new entire generation, who grow up and destroys the world, therefore the last hetero survival rebels send back Ahnuld-800 to the past to kill spongebob and avoid the apocalypsis Laughing Laughing Laughing

What's the difference between a terrorist and a menstruating woman?


You can negotiate with the terrorist.

Mr. Green bounz

edit: crap, it's in german...

Last edited by Flaming Turd on Mon 17 Aug - 1:03; edited 1 time in total
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Arnie in Terminator Salvation? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arnie in Terminator Salvation?   Arnie in Terminator Salvation? EmptyMon 17 Aug - 1:02


Mr. Green

Quote :
A man who ran naked through the Stateline casino core was subdued by a Taser on Tuesday before a group of “startled” children in the Harrah's Lake Tahoe casino arcade.

He reportedly told officers he was running naked because he was “the Terminator.”

Sean Stanley Smith, 19, was jailed on charges of indecent exposure and resisting a peace officer.

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