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 Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project

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Flaming Turd
Cromulus The Destroyer
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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptyFri 8 May - 11:48

Great review here of the Solomon Kane film too! I can't wait to see this!
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptyFri 8 May - 18:02

The Solomon Kane film I made a brief review of the script somewhere around here..its not that good and quite generic.

Breath Rathead getting off the project is good, but then again its script wasnt very good either.

Still, all I can say is go get old Milius and Stone and tell them to mix their 1st and 2nd and 3rd drafts of CTB and turn it into a trilogy.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptySat 9 May - 23:07

I truly don't wanna know about any spoiler at the time, because while I know the KANE movie isn't going to rock my world, I wanna watch it hoping for some enjoyement -and nothing more, I am realistic-.

I am really curious about Purefoy's job, cause i've seen him in Rome as a dionisian, luxurious, passionate bastard, in theory Solomon Kane is exactly the opposite -cold, repressed, spiritual, catholic-.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptySun 10 May - 23:54

Yeah I hear ya, but think you read it already though. I posted it a while back in your "Solomon Kane" movie thread.
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Rider of Doom

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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptyMon 11 May - 2:24

Flaming Turd wrote:
Solomon Kane is a Puritan.
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Turanian War Officer

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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptyMon 11 May - 3:02

Yea, but knowing hollywood... in this incarnation he'll be a, 'Merican fighting the evils of non christians everywhere! disco
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptyMon 11 May - 5:11

axerules wrote:
Solomon Kane is a Puritan.

I know. Sorry Razz

I haven't read this new review, it's apparently too detailed, while what you posted Cromulus was more a short opinion, I think...

You own the script or just have read it?
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptyMon 11 May - 5:14

Possible new director (the guy of "V FOR VENDETTA" after Rattner's departure):
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptyMon 11 May - 17:08

I was able to view the script, yes.
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Rider of Doom

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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptyMon 11 May - 20:05

AOster wrote:
Yea, but knowing hollywood... in this incarnation he'll be a, 'Merican fighting the evils of non christians everywhere!

The producers, Davis films, are French: and the director MJ Bassett, is a 'Brit', like the lead actor J. Purefoy...
It doesn't mean that the film will be good, but it will probably not be too 'Hollywoodian'.

BTW, if someone wants to read the script, I have a pdf.
Send me a PM with your email address and I'll forward it.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptyMon 11 May - 20:44

from the webpage of the director: He isn't adapting Howard, but defends himself saying his movie is good.

Quote :
I’ll be happy and ready to justify/defend/apologies for the liberties I’ve taken with Howard’s character (... and) the truth of what I’ve done with Kane. His faith and devotion - and indeed him coming to understand just what he is and why he is on Earth - is the thrust of the entire story.

Reading REH’s Kane stories, I never really felt I understood where his obsessive zealotry comes from. It’s dripping from every line he says but I don’t know why he is this way. Not enough, for me at least, to simply accept that is his nature for he is a hero of his troubled times and this must have an origin in something.

So, this is what I have speculated on. As I’ve stated previously the story in the film is not faithful to anything Howard has written but it is accurate tonally and puts the character of Solomon Kane into a place where we really can be more faithful to the Kane of REH’s original stories in other adventures.

Certainly, I’d love to see him in Africa. But I and the producers felt this first story needed to be an origins tale in order to reach out to a wider audience. Of course those devoted fans who just want to see a beloved character literally and slavishly adapted may well be less pleased but the idea is to bring MORE fans to Howard and his world so that there can be those other Kane adventures brought to life that I know we all want to see.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptyThu 14 May - 17:41

Besides the V FOR VENDETTA guy, these are other names about to direct the project of CONAN "NU IMAGE":

- Phil Joanou (State of Grace, Gridiron Gang) study U2 music videos director??? Dunno, this one COULD be good...

- Neil Marshall (Doomsday, The Descent) thumleft rabbit

- Marcus Nispel (Pathfinder, Friday the 13th) Mad puker

- Christophe Gans (Silent Hill) Neutral
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptyThu 28 May - 11:04

I recently saw "DOG SOLDIERS" written and directed by Neil Marshall... Dude, that was bad... Mad It had it's moments I must admit, just good for a bunch of friends some beers and nothing to do, I guess, but that's all, I got kinda bored and dissapointed... Funny cause I really liked THE DESCENT... I thought, wtf, is the same guy who wrote them both? scratch

I hope if he is hired for CONAN he tends more to his mature minded writtings, better than this teenage crap he did in "Doggie soldiers"...
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Pit Fighter

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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptyThu 28 May - 14:28

Flaming Turd wrote:
the V FOR VENDETTA guy - Phil Joanou - Neil Marshall - Marcus Nispel - Christophe Gans

This does not bode well for Conan...not a promising selection pool at all.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptySun 31 May - 6:50

The producers say that right after choosing the director, they wil be opening the casting for the new CONAN. Hey! Any brave completist here who wanna be moterfucking Conan?? Razz C'mon guys, you should ask yourself a question: do I feel lucky? Mr. Green
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Rider of Doom

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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptySat 6 Jun - 21:16

I suggest that President Obama should play Conan - he can do anything!
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptySat 13 Jun - 9:28

Quote :
CHUD initially reported, and Variety later confirmed, a scoop indicating that "Friday the 13th" and "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" remake director Marcus Nispel is getting behind another remake - "Conan the Barbarian".

Nispel will direct the new 'Conan' for Nu Image/Millennium Films & Lionsgate which begins production later this year in Bulgaria and South Africa.

Nispel says he will blend his childhood imaginings of the character with the influence of the famous Conan illustrations by Frank Frazetta, and the influence of such viscerally violent period films as "Apocalypto".

The Robert E. Howard-created barbarian was first adapted onscreen with Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1982. The reboot hass been in development for nearly a decade.

Avi Lerner, Fredrick Malmberg and Joe Gatta are producing.

I wouldnt hold my breath. Laughing
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptySat 13 Jun - 14:51

They aren't mentioning PATHFINDER. Rolling Eyes I wonder why, lol

NISPEL said he wanted MILIUS to writte PATHFINDER, then some drunken teen wrotte it and then NISPEL directed it... NISPEL tried to imitate MILIUS but he simply can't....

Truth is I liked the TEXAS remake, but I am not holding my breath either.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project   Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project EmptySat 13 Jun - 16:33

Yeah I know exactly. Pathifinder was some remake of a Danish movie about Chuds vs Sami,lol. Meanwhile it was loaded with CONAN, WILLOW, Apocalypto imitations galore and the helmets were lifted from Frazetta. Mr. Green
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Director Brett Ratner is off the Conan film project
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