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 Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers

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Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers Empty
PostSubject: Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers   Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers EmptyMon 15 Jun - 15:05

Hello friends,

Here you find some interesting pics of swords:

First pic shows 2 Atlantean Swords. One ist the original Sword from Albion Armorers, the other one is a copy from China. Believe me, one can feel the difference immediately... viking

The other pic shows the Atlantian (notice, spelled with "I") from english Bladesmith from Raven Armoury. Very good sword... Sharpended and lighter than the Albion.


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Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers Empty
PostSubject: Conan Swords   Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers EmptyMon 15 Jun - 15:09

hhmm, seems that i can not add the link Neutral

well it is w w w

Regards, Erik
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Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers Empty
PostSubject: correct link   Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers EmptyMon 15 Jun - 15:14

... oh no, now i made a mistake in spelling the URL ....

its on the website

The correct link is:

w w w.

finally, Erik Conan
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers   Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers EmptyMon 15 Jun - 17:21

Hi, friend! I am posting your pics. Wink Thanks a lot for the swords. thumleft

Erik wrote:

First pic shows 2 Atlantean Swords. One ist the original Sword from Albion Armorers, the other one is a copy from China. Believe me, one can feel the difference immediately... viking

Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers 02169439132890

Erik wrote:

The other pic show the Atlantian (notice. spelled with "I") from english Bladesmith from Raven Armoury. Very good sword ... sharpended and lighter than the Albion.

Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers Ff404d39133304
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Turanian War Officer

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Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers   Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers EmptyMon 15 Jun - 18:09

Welcome and thanks for the reviews, but IMHO: there is only the one true Conan sword, and that is made by Albion. regardless of it's cost, weight, or availability.
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Rider of Doom

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Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers   Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers EmptyMon 15 Jun - 20:45

Only the first 100 Conan Swords made by Albion are the really true swords like they are on My Armoury.... Like yours AOS

The 900 others are differents, I'm sure Albion got troubles with the Copyrights and has modified these swords in order to sell them.

However, these 900 swords are still better than all other non-Albion swords
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
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Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers   Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers EmptyMon 15 Jun - 21:37

Well, as I recall it, they never got over the 700 mark. It was Conan properties ltd that raised their royalty demands. I hear that CPL is a major pain to deal with. I'm surprised this website isn't in trouble as well. We should totally make some t-shirts and stickers... too bad that would get the hammer down in a heartbeat.
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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 195
Registration date : 2009-01-02

Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers   Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers EmptyTue 16 Jun - 6:22

AOster wrote:
Well, as I recall it, they never got over the 700 mark. It was Conan properties ltd that raised their royalty demands. .

You are right, Albion didn't reach 1000 swords, they said the Atlantean is the nearest item of 1000. I got the number 376, 3 monthes ago, if you are right, and if Albion sells the swords by growing number, they still should have a lot of Atlantean Shocked
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Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers   Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers EmptyTue 16 Jun - 7:28

Hi friends,

Thanx for your replies.

I perfectly agree that the Albion is the only true Atlantean... Mine is Nr. 415, and it came in the Albion wooden box, together with this Albion certificate. If you take a very close look at one side of the Ricasso, then you can see the number engraved (well, not really deeply engraved; in fact, one can hardly see it).

It took me months and months to get the Albion, but it is worth every dollar. At first, I thought about sharpening it, because it came unsharpended... but then I decided to keep it unsharpended (you probably know the review on the myarmoury website, where the author recommends to keep them unsharpened).

The Chinese copy - well ok, it's really trash. One can remove the pommel and grip, and then one can recognize that its more a SLO ("Sword like object"), but for a wallhanger, its pretty nice.

The "Raven Armoury" is a little bit special. I know that purists consider it not being equal to the Albion... Well, I would put it this way: they both are not really comparable... But in some way, the RAVEN is really really good. It is light weight, really fast, and it is sharp as hell. The blade is mono-steel... Raven say they used En45 Sheffield Steel, which is a carbon steel.

Thanky, Flaming Turd, for putting the pics here Wink


Erik (from Germany)
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Pictish Scout

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Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers Empty
PostSubject: Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers   Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers EmptyMon 22 Jun - 3:00

I have the China version also.

The sword from Albion must be great... but you can't buy it anymore? or?special in Germany!!

The price for an Albion is 2000 US dollar ??

Next time I buy maybe the Marto version.

Oh next time I show you some pictures from my Thulsa Doom helmet. :doom:
(when I find out how to show the pictures directly on this site, hi, hi).

So long, my friends. Yeahhhh!

Regards from Germany.
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Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers   Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers EmptyMon 26 Oct - 16:24

Hi friends,

here you see the RAVEN ARMOURY Atlantian Sword :

Greetz Erik
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Pictish Scout

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Registration date : 2009-11-12

Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers   Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers EmptyThu 12 Nov - 22:38

I want one!
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Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers   Conan Atlantean Sword - different manufacturers EmptyThu 15 Jul - 17:03

I have the China sword. It might not be battle worthy, but considering it cost $80.00 as opposed to $3000.00 for the Albion or $600.00 for the Marto I'm more than happy with it. Also, it has no manufacturer marks, or logos, or serial numbers marring it like the Marto.

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